Chapter Three

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I sat in my bedroom, clutching my head in my hands. I could hear the air conditioning, on and off, on and off. My knees were pulled to my chest, slowly rocking me back and forth. News about Cana's suicide had already spread through out Fiore, people from Fairy Tail have shown up to see if I was ok. I never would get up to answer the door though.

Mira tried to unlock the door, screaming for me to open it. She would yell things along the lines of, "don't you dare do anything to yourself," and "it's not your fault".

I shuddered every time I heard a knock, praying it wasn't Hibiki. I knew he was going to be getting home at some point, but I couldn't help feel scared for how badly I would end up.

"Lisanna?" A tap came from the door. I squeaked, clutching my head tighter. "It's Natsu, can you open up?" I waited a second.

Natsu's here? But why? Well, obviously to see if I'm alright, but he is the last person I expected.

I got up and ran to the door, opening it up. He stood there, smiling sadly. My face was stained in black makeup, I looked like a raccoon, but I didn't care right now. He held his arms open to me. I crashed into his chest, sobbing against his skin.

"It's ok, shh," he stroked my hair.

"Why didn't I realize she was so upset? I'm such a bad friend.."

"No you aren't, you didn't know. There was nothing you could do."

I pushed him away, gritting my teeth. "There was everything I could have done!" I turned away and paced, sliding my fingers into my hair. "I could have shut up about Hibiki, I could have listened to her, I could have shown her that she could talk to me. I shouldn't have yelled at her this morning, I shouldn't have assumed she was ok."

I twisted on my heel, about to pace in the other direction, when I ran into him.

"Hey," he clasped his fingers around my wrists and pulled my hands from my hair, carefully setting them at my sides. "Cana felt out of place here. She wanted someone who could make her feel at home. How could you have done something if you are locked up in here? She wasn't getting it from Bacchus or Gildarts. She wasn't happy, and she couldn't stand seeing you like this," he looked me up and down.

"What am I supposed to do now? She's gone and I'm not going to get her back.."

"Don't let her friendship go to waste. She wants to see you smile like you used to. Not one that is forced or fake, your sincere one. She only wanted what was best for you."

"If you're telling me to break up with Hibiki, I can't-"

"Yes you can. Stand up to him," his hand closed tighter around my wrists. "You don't deserve to be treated like this. You're stronger than him, show him that you aren't scared of him-"

"But I am! He beats me senseless everyday, how do you just tell a guy who can toss you across the room that you want nothing to do with him? If I send one of you after him, he will find his way back. I'm hopeless."

"Come on, Lisanna. Where's that girl who wasn't scared of some monster in the woods? The one who stood in front of an uncontrolled take over? The woman who fought against all those corrupted guilds, where did she go?"

I didn't realize until now how intensely we were staring into each other's eyes. Nor that he was still so close to me that I could feel heat radiating off of him.

"She disappeared when she didn't feel needed anymore..." I hiccuped, taking in a long breath. "Thank you for coming, but I think you should go now."

He nodded and released his hold of me. I already missed his touch. He walked towards the door, halting in the frame.

"Lisanna, I want to see the real you next time you come to the hall. I miss my childhood friend."

I gulped. "I don't think she's coming back."

He stood still for a second and then walked away. I inhaled and slumped to the floor, feeling myself blush.

'I want to see the real you..' I can't just snap my fingers and be back, can I? I feel so selfish, all I do is worry about myself and complain, but then I never take action.

I laid back onto the carpet, staring at the ceiling. My wrist went to my lips, resting there.

Damn, he knows all the right things to say.

The door suddenly slammed open, sending me up into a sitting position.

"How dare you," Hibiki stood where Natsu had just a few moments before.

"Hibiki!" I stood up, holding my hands in front of me.

"What were you doing outside of this apartment?" He fumed, taking some steps closer.

"I'm sorry, it will never happen again," I creeped back a little.

"I thought you loved me, but all you do is disappoint me. Don't I keep you enough company? Who else do you need besides me?"

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking straight and caused a mess."

"Yeah, you killed your own friend. Imagine how she feels plummeting to hell."

"She's not in hell, she's watching over us." I clamped my hand over my mouth, too late to take back the back talk that had escaped.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Shut up!" He lunged at me, shoving me to the ground.

"Please, I didn't mean to," I sobbed as he stomped on various places of my body. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me up to his face.

"If you don't listen to me, I have to discipline you. It's like training a dog, but even they are more loyal than you are."

"I'm not a dog," I couldn't stop myself from speaking. What was happening??

"Why won't you shut up," he released my hair only to grab my arm and twist it. I couldn't move from the position he had me in. "I'll make your sorry ass shut up," he pulled a pocket knife out of jeans. It clicked out, the blade glinted from the over head light.

I shrieked, attempting to push him off me. "He's going to kill me," I screamed. He twisted my arm further, trying to stop me from squirming. I kicked one of the end tables over in my spazz, the lamp on it smashed into pieces on for floor.

"Now look what you have done!" Hibiki yelled, taking a slash at my stomach. I screamed in pain, eyeing the red substance that was surfacing. 

"Hey!" A voice I didn't recognize belched. "Back the hell up. I already called for help."

Hibiki grunted in annoyance, turning to the voice. He tossed the knife across the floor and dropped me, pushing past my savior.

"Oh my god," I watched as a skinny man with a bald head and glasses ran over. He reached out to touch me but I flinched, moving back. "Don't worry, I live in the apartment right next door. I won't hurt you. Where are your towels?"

I shakily pointed towards the bedroom. He nodded and hurried away.

Could today be any worse?

Honestly glad Hibiki left because jeez, even as the author I changed a character into one that I hated... Yikes.. Hope you enjoyed!!

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