Chapter Seven

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I jumped into the shower, rinsing off last nights embarrassment. I can't believe I actually told Natsu how I felt.. it was a mistake. But I guess if I hadn't said it then, I would still be wondering if her liked me. And, if I hadn't run out of the hall in such a hurry, I might have missed Bickslow. Bickslow.. I don't know how I feel about him yet.

"I see them as victories. You may have the scars he left on you, but that just shows you are a strong survivor. You fought till the very end. And that's what beautiful looks like."

My face heated up again at his words. For someone who I haven't talked to in years, he really knows how to push my buttons.

I finished showering and got out. Blow drying my hair, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"I know. I wasn't going to go. I was hoping to get a reaction like this out of you."

What does that even mean? Was he just toying with me?

Yawning, I went back into the guest bedroom and got dressed. My outfit consisted of a black, tight t- shirt, light blue jean shorts, and pair of black vans. I glanced at my vanity.

"I don't need make up.." I thought aloud, heading downstairs.

"Don't you look nice," Mira said when I walked into the kitchen.

"I thought it was kind of plain, but thanks," I reached into the fridge, grabbing a cup of yogurt.

"So, Bickslow, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"What about him?" I smiled at his name.

"What do you mean, what about him? He was flirting with you last night!"

"Really? Are you sure? I thought he was just being nice."

"He never stays around long, it's always one mission after another. But one look at you and his mind changed! Either he is tired of going out, or you had something to do with his choice."

"Probably the first one. Anyway," I gulped down the last spoonful of yogurt and tossed my cup. "Ready to go to the hall?"

"You just want to go see Bickslow again."

"Mmmmmaybe I do."

We arrived at the guild, a lot of members bombarded us asking about why I ran off.

"I just wasn't feeling well," I smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.

"But you yelled at Mira?"

"Uhm, well-"

"You heard her, she doesn't need to explain herself any further," Bickslow cut me off, stepping up. My face heated up the slightest, he stood so close. And he smelled of cologne, like, nice cologne. He wore a black hoodie with the Fairy Tail emblem on the back, navy jeans, and black converse. He turned around and looked down at me, his smile fading into a frown. "Your face is all red, I told you you would get a cold."

"No, I'm fine-" I spoke before he cut me off again.

"Here," he pulled his hoodie off and handed it to me. "This will keep you warm. I'll go get us something warm to drink." With that, he left me standing there, holding his hoodie. I shrugged and went to one of the booths.

I put the hoodie on, it was way too big on me coming down past my shorts. And it was really comfy, who knew Fairy Tail even sold hoodies? I need to get one... or I just steal his. The best part, though, was that it smelled like his cologne. When no one was looking, I would bring the hemline up over my nose.

"You look cozy," Erza said as she walked past.

"Yeah, Bickslow gave this to me," I smiled a little.

"That's adorable. Why can't Jellal and I do cute things like this?"

"Because you guys are dating, Bickslow and I are just friends."

"If you say so." She winked and continued walking.

"What did Erza want?" Bickslow asked, setting down two mugs of hot chocolate.

"Nothing, just nonsense," I giggled. He rolled his eyes and took the opposite side of the booth. "So how has being a solo man been?"

He took a sip of his drink, "Pretty good, I get time to think, I have more money then I need, and I'm not just sitting around waiting for my team to want to go out. But, it's kind of lonely, always meeting new faces that will probably forget yours."

"That's sad, no one here will ever forget you. Why did you decide to stay?"

"I needed a break. It's good work, but it is exhausting."

"I told you Mira," I mumbled under my breath, a little disappointed that I was right.

"Told her what?"

"She said you never stay for long, and that you were either here to take a break or I had was a part of your decision. I said the first one seemed more accurate."

He tapped his fingers against his mug. "Maybe you were, maybe you weren't," he shrugged. I perked up and smiled into my cup. "My question here is, you were talking about me?"

"Uh, I mean, Mira was questioning why you were at her house and everything that happened last night."

"What did happen last night, exactly?"

"Hey, lets change the topic."

I took a long drink of my hot chocolate, scooting towards the wall and leaning against it with my feet up on the booth.

"Am I allowed to ask about her yet?" His words caught me by surprise and I started choking on the drink. "I'm going to take that as a no."

I nodded, getting myself under control. "I can't get that day out of my mind.." Well, actually I haven't had it as bad since Bickslow arrived. I looked him in the eye, "but ever since our encounter last night, things have gotten better."

He smiled and moved his gaze down to the table. I couldn't help but giggle a little at that.

"Bickslow, you're back!" Evergreen squealed, her and Elfman had just walked in. "You had been gone so long, I wasn't sure if you were coming back."

"Well, here I am. And I'm planning on sticking around for a while."

"Hey Lisanna. Are you feeling any better from last night?" Elfman ruffled my hair.

"I'm fine, but now my hair is a mess."

"Who's hoodie is that?"

I glanced at Bickslow and he just shrugged in response. My focus went back to Elfman, he looked between Bickslow and I, back and forth.

"Wait a second-"

"Elfman, why don't we let the two birds continue their chat," Evergreen pulled him away.

"That was.." I started.

"Awkward," Bickslow finished.

Update update update!! I hope you enjoyed!!!

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