Chapter Seventeen

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A week has passed. Bickslow still isn't back yet.

"Here," Mira handed me a bowl of salad. It was dinner time at the guild hall, and since Laxus has also been gone all this week, we decided to stay awhile at the hall.

"Thanks for eating in the kitchen with me," I took the bowl.

"No problem. Well," she started, catching my attention. "I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?"


"A certain mage and his girlfriend are supposed to be returning."

"Natsu?" I questioned at the same time as someone out in the dinning area. We both got up and dashed out of the kitchen.

"Hey, ice princess. Miss me?" He grinned at Gray who had been the one to also question.

"I'm going to drop our stuff off at home," Lucy stood on her toes and kissed Natsu's cheek.

"Alright, babe. I'll be home soon." She nodded and exited.

"Natsu," I called out, gaining as much courage as I could. He turned to me, expressionless. "We need to talk. Now."

"I'll tell you the good news later," Mira whispered in my ear before Natsu and I walked into the library.

"What's up?" He asked leaning against the banister.

"'What's up'? I should be asking you that. What did you say to Bickslow?" My hands balled into fists as a way to keep my anger at bay.

"Nothing important, it was all you."

"And it was?"

He snickered as if I was supposed to know the answer. "You told me you were in love with me the night of your party. But when I turned you down, you ran off. Imagine what a surprise it was to see you all lovey dovey with Bickslow the next day. Don't get me wrong, I personally don't mind, but what about for his sake? It seems like you are just using him to get over me. So I told him what happened that night and that he should watch out so he doesn't get hurt."

I inhaled deeply, looking down.

He continued, "I mean, it was with good intentions. I didn't want you to get away with using Bickslow, he isn't your play toy. And when you acted all nervous and shy in the infirmary room the other day, he saw what I meant, that you might not have moved on from me. I was looking out for him."

My face burned.

"So instead of letting us just be happy together, you had to put thoughts of doubt in his head? Just because I wanted to get over you, because I wanted to get over Hibiki, because I wanted to get over Cana, I wanted to get over my depression, I wanted joy in my life, you had to break us apart?" A tear escaped my eye and plopped on the ground.

He didn't say a word.

"You know, I think I was too quick to spew my feelings. After you visited me the day Cana committed suicide, I almost lost my life. Hibiki was going to kill me, and I just kept talking back to him because you lit a fire inside me. It was you who allowed me to escape him, escape the thoughts that it was my fault Cana died. And when you told me your feelings weren't mutual, the fire was blown out. I was left vulnerable, my guard was down and I couldn't stop the thoughts from returning. But, Bickslow came to my aid. He was the person who could have relit the fire, but no, you had to smoother that one too. I've been going crazy each passing day, and all you can say is you thought I was still in love with you? That you were just looking out for Bickslow?"

My head tilted up and I looked into his eyes, my tears flowing freely.

"What about me? Why can't someone look out for me? Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something to make everyone hate me so much, they feel the need to turn on me? Natsu, what's wrong with me, why am I not good enough? I'm never good enough. Why is it that when I think I finally found happiness, it slips right through my fingers? Why can't I tell people why I'm so upset? What am I supposed to do?"

My throat felt dry, cracking all over the place. I looked expectantly at Natsu to respond.

"Lisanna.. I I.." he broke eye contact.

I was shocked. My frown turned into a smile, and a little laughter followed, "You don't know what to say now that you've realized how messed up all of this has made me? How messed up I am in general? Screw you, Natsu."

I ran out of the library, not waiting for him to react. My hands furiously wiped my face, trying to clean up before everyone sees me.

"How did it go? What did he say?" Mira asked as soon as she spotted me.

"We talked it out, I got a little upset. It wasn't anything big. I think I'm going to go on ahead home though," I pinned up the best smile I could muster.

"I'll come with you-"

"Mira! We are about to start a new game!" Evergreen called out. I looked past her and saw a group sitting around a table with cards.

"No, I'm ok. They are waiting for you," I patted her shoulder.

"Are you sure? I don't mind leaving."

"I'll be fine, no need to worry. I'll see you when you get home," I waved, speed walking away, only to break into a sprint when I was out of the guild hall. I choked out a sob as I ran through the dark, humid night.

Stupid Natsu, why did he have to go and ruin everything?

I slammed the door behind me as I entered the dark house. Kicking off my shoes and scampering up stairs, I didn't bother touching the lights until I got to the bathroom. The mirror greeted me with a horrible pig. The pig being my reflection. I looked like I had just been to hell and back.

Splash cold water on your face and go lay down. Showering can wait until tomorrow morning.

The water sputtered out of the faucet. I leaned down, cupping my hands. A creak echoed down the hall, my head snapping in the direction. No noise followed.

Must be my imagination.

I turned the sink off and went into my room. The room everyone had worked so hard to put together. A breeze blew through the window.

That's funny, I don't remember leaving that open.

I walked over and got on knees, peering out. The room faced the main road where a few couples walked on the side walk. My eyes darted down.

I wonder if I would die if I jumping from this height.

I was about to get up when I heard a click and something was pushed against the side of my head. An arm wrapped around my neck, keeping me locked in place.

"Surprise, Lisanna."

Hope you enjoyed !!

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