Chapter Four

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I sat on my legs, looking around me. I hovered above what seemed to be an ocean, or some sort of body of water. The sky was purple and black, speckled with stars and swirls.

"Where am I?" I asked aloud. A bright light flashed in front of me. I threw my hands up to block my eyes, but at the same time I couldn't look away.

The light disappeared leaving an angelic figure in front of me. I could feel tears forming instantly.

"Cana!" I reached out of her, trying to hug her. I sat in the same place, unable to move my legs.

Instead, she floated to me, putting her glowing hand to my cheek. "I'm proud of you, my darling. Now you just need to wake up."

"Wake up? But wouldn't that mean leaving you again?"

"Yes it would. That's ok, I will always be here to watch over you. Wake up, Lisanna."

"No! I don't want to be apart from you!" I cried, trying to grab her arms. My hands went right through her.

"Wake up Lisanna," she hummed and kissed my forehead.

"Lisanna!" Mira startled me out of my sleep. I looked around and saw her, Elfman, and Master standing around my bed. I was in the guild hall infirmary.

"Mira? Elfman?" I yawned, trying to stretch but feeling sudden pain.

"Don't move," Master said cautiously. I took another look around and saw someone missing.

"Where's Hibiki?" I gasped, frantically searching every corner I could.

"Lisanna calm down, he went missing," Elfman hovered his hands over me. I stopped moving.

"Are you sure he's not here?"

"Yes, no one has seen him since last night. We are going to have at least one guild member with you at all times until he has been found," Master reassured me.

My face was expressionless, but then broke into a happy frown. Mira and Elfman hugged me as I cried into their shoulders.

"It's over," I sobbed. "It's finally over."


"You what?" Mira asked as she set one of my boxes on the guest room bed.

"I want to have a big birthday dinner like I used to. In honor of Cana kind of, since she loved parties and drinking," I pushed my hair out of my eyes.

A few of the guild members were helping me move into Mira and Laxus' house, until I get back on my feet.

"Are you sure? I thought you weren't all into the big events."

"That was a lie, I'm sorry. Hibiki hated going to anything that involved another Fairy Tail member. But now that he isn't here, I think it's the perfect time to reestablish some relationships I lost over the years."

"I don't know.."

"Oh, Mira, let the girl have her party," Laxus walked in with my nightstand. He set it down beside the bed, wiped his hands off on his pants, then put his arm around my shoulders. "She has been locked up in that apartment forever, no wonder she wants a party. She has been alone all this time. And, look at her eye. You can't say no to someone who has been put through that much pain."

"Alright, alright. I'll tell Master to start preparing," Mira smiled in defeat.

"Yes!" Laxus and I high fived. "Thank you, Mira!" I ran over and hugged her.

"Of course," she wrapped her arms around me, hugging back.

"Group hug!" Laxus cheered, reaching his arms around both of us and squeezing. We giggled hysterically, trying to escape him.

"Is there any room for me?" Someone, who I could instantly tell was Natsu, asked. Laxus released us, and Mira and I untangled. "Could you guys give us a minute?"

Mira and Laxus nodded, closing the door behind them as the left. Natsu's eyes locked on mine. Well, the one that wasn't swollen at least.

"Thank you," I patted my hands on my jean shorts, looking away.

"For what?" He asked.

"I don't know. I think your words gave me a little courage to talk back to Hibiki and not take all his crap."

"Nah, it was all you. I'm just glad you're ok."

I looked back at him and smiled. "I'm glad too."

"That's what I wanted to see."

"See what?"

"That smile of yours. I'm glad you're back, Lisanna."

With that, he turned and left me in the guest bedroom. "You send me too many mixed signals," I sighed under my breath. I took a step back and flopped backwards onto my new bed, spreading my arms out. Things are definitely going to be different now, I will make sure of it.

"Ooooh, is Lisanna in love?" Mira re entered the room, flopping down next to me.

"Shut up," I giggled, rolling away from her.

"You are!" She cackled, making me burst out laughing at how demonic she sounded. "I don't know, I can't see you guys together," she finally said after calming down.

"I want what we used to have, as kids." I turned back to her so we were facing each other. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but I get so jealous of how close Lucy and Natsu have gotten since I was gone. I feel like I'm losing him."

"You know he would never just abandon you, you're basically his sister."

"But I want to be more than just his sister- wait, let me rephrase that-"

Mira's cackle returned. "Nope, you aren't allowed to take that back!"

"What did I do to deserve this," I jokingly rolled my eyes and pushed her off the bed.

"Ouch!" She jumped up and tackled me. I yelped in pain and she quickly got off me. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok, I had it coming," I pulled up my shirt, displaying my tummy. My stomach had to be stitched up, Hibiki left a deeper cut than I had originally thought. "They still look ok, I need to reapply the medication, though."

"I'll help," Mira went to my bathroom and grabbed a bottle of cream off my sink. She dabbed it over the wound and grabbed a roll of gauze, wrapping it around my body. "Better?"

"Yeah, thank you. We probably should go help the others."

"You're probably right," she took my hand and walked me outside.

Mmmmm this was a break chapter, to kind of like calm down for a second. Next chapter is picking back up. Hope you enjoy!!

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