Chapter Ten

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I couldn't focus on the darkness around me, my sense of direction was a mess. I could no longer hear Bickslow calling my name, only the crunching of leaves and occasional snap of tree branches.

This person has to be Hibiki, no one else that I know of would attack so suddenly, and grab me of all people. He was going to kill me, my guard was down and he is taking advantage.

The hand let go of me and I skidded across the ground. My instincts came back and I sat up scooting away.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I asked, trying my best to sound strong.

A light was clicked on and shined on my face. Squinted eyes, arms up to shield, I tried to see who this being was.

"Lisanna, right," the voice was familiar. It wasn't Hibiki, but someone along the same lines of hatred and fear.

"Bacchus!" I gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I was one of the wizards looking for the lost necklace. You just happened to be around."

I didn't know what to say. Something seemed off, though. When he was with Cana he seemed pretty cool and collected. Now, he was jittery and smiling maniacally. Why did he take me all the way out here? What was it he wanted? Was he going to kill me? He started laughing, his eyes growing wide.

"It wasn't my fault."

I was dumbfounded. "What wasn't your fault?"

"Her suicide, Cana's suicide. It wasn't my fault," his laughing turned hysterical. "It wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault." His laughter stopped and he grinned at me. "It had to be yours."

My heart throbbed. "No.."

"You drove her away with your constant nagging about Hibiki. Do you know how much that impacted our relationship? Of course I would become annoyed and fall for another girl. But it was you who pushed us apart."

"No." My fingers laced into my hair, sweat poured down my face, I felt sick. Was it really my fault? I'm the one to blame..

His laughter started back up again, echoing around. I rocked back and forth as he chanted, as if trying to convince himself, "it wasn't my fault." I bit down on my tongue.

Why didn't she tell me that she wasn't happy sooner, why didn't I break away from her, why didn't I protect her, why couldn't I save her.

Bacchus knelt down and got in my face, shining the flash light on the ground. A grin was spread across his face.

"Tell me it wasn't my fault." His pupils were small compared to his wide eyes. He lifted his hand and stroked it along my cheek. Low chuckles erupted from him. "I keep getting all the blame, they think I'm crazy. I'm not crazy. It's not my fault, say it."

Why is this happening, why now?

He forcefully put his thumb on my chin and made me stare into his bulging eyes. "Say it!" He bellowed.

I was shivering, my heart racing. What am I doing here? What have I done, it's me who pushed Cana over the edge.

"It's my fault," my voice cracked.

"Again, louder."

"It's my fault." He laughed, seeming somewhat satisfied. Tree branches snapped to my side as a figure lunged through the air, colliding into Bacchus. I screamed, scrambling back from them, running into a tree stump.

"Don't ever lay a finger on her again," Bickslow yelled, each word he would punch Bacchus in the jaw. Bickslow kicked him, causing him to turn over and spit out blood. "Get out of here before I kill you."

Bacchus chuckled and high tailed it. "It wasn't my fault," he called out.

"It was mine," I stuttered.

"Hey, hey don't listen to anything he said," Bickslow turned to me. I didn't budge from my sitting position. He sighed and sat down beside me, pulling me gently into his lap. My head and hands rested against his warm chest, his arms wrapped around my shoulder. He set his chin on the top of my head, humming. "Ok, from what I've heard around the guild, Cana jumped off a bridge into the canal. Guildarts went missing and Bacchus cheated on her. You had absolutely nothing to do with it."

"I pushed her away from Bacchus with all my problems, and she felt like she couldn't stand by me anymore."

"Aren't friends supposed to help you with your problems? I mean, sure, there's a point where they can't do much, but they will still always be there for you. Trust me, Lisanna, Cana wouldn't leave you if she felt like she had a choice. It wasn't your fault."

I sniffled, wrapping my arms around his chest and pulling closer to him. He stroked my hair:

"You want to know something that is your fault?"

I looked up at him, seeing his soft smile. "What?"

"Being the girl I fell in love with." I could feel my face heat up and I began smiling stupidly, not sure how to react. It seems I didn't have to, because he met my lips with his. It was soft and quick, but I needed it.

"You know exactly what to say," I stuck my tongue out at him, giving him another hug. "But I'm still falling in love with you more and more every moment we are together."

"You aren't supposed to make me blush in this situation," he covered his face with his hands. I giggled and pulled his hands away.

"Thank you." He smiled and picked me up, continuing our walking from earlier.

Hope you enjoyed !!

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