Chapter Fourteen

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For the rest of the time I was alone in the infirmary, I kept my eyes wide open and my mind off of Hibiki, Bacchus, and Cana.

Mira finally came back about twenty minutes after my break down with a worried expression. Gray and Juvia had told her everything they had witnessed.

"Tell me what's going on," she said soothingly, stroking my hair. I was sitting up, playing with my hands nervously. "Lisanna, it's me. You don't have to hide anything."

I fidgeted, debating wether to say anything or not. If I say something, maybe she can actually help me, or she would think I'm crazy and put me in a mental hospital. If I don't tell her, things may just sort themselves out, or they will get worse..

"I think the everything from the job request was catching up to me. Near death experience and all, it finally hit that I barely survived."

"Hmm.. Where was Bickslow?"

"Uhm, he.. he left a few moments after you did."

"What? Did something happen?"

"No, no. He was just busy.." To busy to want to be with me anymore..

"Bickslow? He left on a job request this afternoon," Master walked in on our conversation. "How are you feeling, Lisanna?"

My spirits dropped. It was like the only thing that was keeping me afloat popped, letting me sink into the depths of my own problems.

"I'm fine, I guess. Could be better," I pulled out another fake smile. Who knew I could be so unhappy.

"Are you sure nothing happened between you and Bickslow? Things seemed to be going so good."

"Yeah, he just realized he jumped the gun on his feelings and felt it was best if we ended things before they got out of hand," my voice cracked a few times as I forced an excuse out. I honestly had no idea why he stormed off, but he was mad enough to leave on a job request without telling me.

I mean, of course he doesn't have to tell me what he's doing, it's his life after all. It's not mine to control.. control..

"Earth to Lisanna?" Master waved a hand in front of my face. I blinked and met his gaze. "Hmm, your eyes are glazed over and your cheeks are puffy. You might have a fever."

"You should go ahead and get some rest," Mira lightly patted my shoulder, basically the only place that didn't have some sort of major injury.

"Will someone stay in here with me all night? I don't care who it is, just someone in the guild to be near if I wake up."

"I'll set something up for you. Mira, could you stay until I get the situation figured out?"

"No problem."

"I'll be back as soon as I can with an update." He left us, Mira still stroking my hair.

"Hey, Lisanna?"


"Are you telling the truth about Bickslow? From what I heard from Laxus, Bickslow left in a hurry, as if this was an on the spot decision." My heart rose to my throat.

"He doesn't like me, Mira. I don't know what I did, but he doesn't like me anymore."

"But he's crazy about you! He carried you back all this way, freaking out that you hadn't woken up that day you returned. He sat in that chair," she pointed to a plastic chair in the corner, "the whole day you slept. Of course, Natsu got a hold of him every now and then, but most of the time he seemed content watching over you."

I let this seep in. "Someone's feelings can change, they won't always be around. It's harder to fall in love with someone then it is to fall out of, we just weren't meant to be, I guess.." I bit my tongue. "Why weren't we meant to be? Why am I the only one who isn't finding happiness?"

"Happiness will come back to you soon, once you recover, you'll be on your feet in no time."

"And if I don't recover? If I'm never happy again? Mira, you have everything set for you: a loving boyfriend, friends to fall back on, a steady job, your life is literally a fairytale dream. Mine? I've suffered through these past few years under.. his control, my best friend committed suicide, and things are still getting harder to deal with. When will I get my fairytale ending?"

Mira had stopped stroking my hair at this point, leaving her hand on my shoulder, and looking at me with wide eyes. "Sorry, I got really serious right there and started rambling. Don't mind me," I shrugged her hand off and climbed under the covers.

"Lisanna, you are scaring me. Why won't you talk to me?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"That thing you claim was a ramble is definitely something to start with. What do you mean, things are getting harder?"

"Nothing, I'm going to go hit the hay."

"No, we need to discuss this."

Levy entered before I could answer, looking slightly embarrassed. "Did I come in at a bad time?"

"Yes," Mira said at the same time I said, "No."


"Mira, I'm fine. Levy is here now, I can fall asleep peacefully." I hope.

Mira inhaled deeply. "We aren't done with this conversation. If anything happens, please tell me as soon as you can," Mira directed the last part at Levy.

"Will do, she's in good hands."

Mira nodded, took one last look at me, and left. Levy smiled hopefully at me.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"Just stay with me, you can do whatever you want, but please stay in the room."

"Of course."

She had brought a thick book along with her and took a seat in the plastic chair. The one Bickslow had sat in. I slipped under the covers, pulling the up to my chin.

Sweet dreams, please.

Hope you enjoyed !!

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