Chapter Eleven

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The intense heat brought tears to my eyes. The smoke filled my lungs as I pushed through some of the caved in roof. Flames licked my feet, sizzling. I crawled along the wood floor, keeping my head as low as I could.

"Enter the room with the diamond handle," Bickslow yelled from outside. The culprit was tied up with him, feeding him the answers we needed. I squinted up, examining the walls. No diamond handles. I quickly made my way to the end of the hall, seeing a set of stairs going up.

"I'm going to the second floor," I responded, coughing.

"Be careful."

My legs moved as fast as they could, scurrying up. The fire had already eaten through the floor. It seemed impossible to get around with out falling. A glint caught my eye, the diamond doorknob.

"Of course," I muttered to myself, looking at all the flames I would have to maneuver around. With a gulp, I moved forward. This situation couldn't have been worse, the whole building was made of out wood, I had no where to go if this place collapsed while I was still in here.

Finally arriving at the door, I quickly turned the knob. The door burned and caved in at my touch. Ash and debris fell over me, sizzling when in contact with skin. My teeth clenched and I completely froze.

Hibiki flashed in front of me, a half grin half frown on his face. There was a lit cigarette in his hand, the other was reaching out to grab me.

"Lisanna," he hummed with a hint of maniacal laughter. "I'm just disciplining you so you'll learn from your mistakes."

"What mistakes?" I whispered.

"Lisanna.." he hummed again.

"What mistakes?" My voice rose.

"Lisanna!" Bickslow yelled, pulling me back into reality. What was that? Why was Hibiki here?

"I'm fine," I called back, rubbing the fallen debris off my arms. I hadn't fully taken in the room until now, mannequins stood against the wall with fancy dresses, wigs and ample amount of jewelry items. Diamonds and Jewel were flowing out of sacks, and gold bars were stacked on a table. All stolen items, valuable, that would be burned.

Coughing, I pulled the image of the necklace out of my back pocket and skimmed all of the mannequins. The last one in the corner of the room.

Why is it always me?

My legs ached as I hopped up and bounded over to it. Floor boards crumbled and disappeared. There was no way for me to get back to the door. My hands fumbled around the mannequin's neck, trying to unclasp the chain. It wasn't coming off.

"Lisanna, hurry the house is collapsing!"

"I almost got it."

The hook was stuck to the mannequin's dress, the hemline being laced. I grunted, carefully yanking at the hook and inhaling smoke. There was a creak above me, too late of a warning. A burning board crashed down, scraping down my back and catching the fabric of my shirt on fire. I screamed, panicking and forgetting about the necklace.

"I'm coming in!" Bickslow belched.

"No, I'm fine," I cried. "Just startled." The house was about to go down, he wouldn't make it out alive.

I ripped my shirt over my head, deciding my life was more important than my dignity, and took a deep breath. The shirt had melted into my skin, and being removed, I was having a hard time repressing my shrieks.

"Get out of there!" Bickslow sounded so worried, but I wouldn't blame him. "Your life is more important than the necklace!"

I sucked in smoke, hoping there was some oxygen in it. I delicately I clipped the clasp and maneuvered it out of the lace.

"This damn thing," I muttered shakily, shoving it into my pocket and racing to the window. "Bickslow, catch me!" I jumped out of the second story window. He dove, his arms out, and made it just in time, hugging me tightly to his chest.

The house collapsed right then, I had escaped by the skin of my teeth.

"We need to get you medical attention," he took one look down at my ash-embedded face, my speckled arms, and my mush of a back. "Now."

The pain I was feeling was so over powering, I was surprised I was still alive, much less conscious. I pulled the necklace out of my pocket and gave it to him.

"This first, our clients come before us. And you need to take care of the thief.."

"Lisanna, I care more about you than this stupid necklace, more than that idiot."

"What about the guilds reputation, if we don't bring the necklace back asap-"

"I don't give a shit about the guilds reputation," his thunderous voice made me jump. He inhaled, calming down, "I care about you. I shouldn't have let you go in the cabin."

"That was my choice, and I am smaller so it was a lot easier than if you had to cross burning floorboard.I tried to slightly make the moment happier. He breathed a sigh, a small smile appearing. "Ok, but yeah we really need to hurry or I'm going to pass out.."

My eyes fluttered closed and I fell forward into his chest.

Hope you enjoyed!! Only a third of the down hill has gone into place.. things are going to get worse from here I'm sorry to say.

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