Losing Control

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Lefu was happily humming along to the music when someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned to see a very tall and huge man. He wasn't bad looking just huge.

"Can I interest you in a dance?" He asked, his voice rumbling. He sounded familiar but she brushed off the feeling. She shrugged.

"Ok. I don't know how to dance though," she said. The man smiled and pulled her out on the dance floor. The lights dimmed and the song changed to a slow melody. He held a hand up and his other hand rested respectfully on her hip. They moved slowly, twirling.

"Do I know you?" she asked slowly. The smell of sulfur invaded her senses and was making her tense. The man smiled slowly.

"I believe I asked you to marry me. I'm still waiting for that yes," he said with a smirk. Lefu froze and yanked out of his grasp.

"I will never say yes. Quit it," she spat out and walked away. He stopped her at the edge of the dance floor, pulling her arm.

"We still haven't finished that dance," he said smoothly. Lefu glared.

"Excuse me, I think we were supposed to dance." Lefu looked over to see Clark was walking up. Bruce lifted a brow in question and watched the exchange. The man smiled but let Lefu go to Clark. She practically tugged Clark onto the dance floor, feeling dirty.

"Who was that?" He asked. Lefu frowned and shook her head.

"I don't know. He came out of nowhere," she commented dryly. Clark pulled her close to him so that her arms rested on his shoulders. She sighed and looked up at his gaze. Clark was watching the man leave the party.

"You seem to attract very shady characters," Clark stated. Lefu pouted and shook her head.

"I know. Boobs are the best superpower but it comes with great responsibility," she joked. Clark laughed.

"Looks like it. I just got here and already find you in trouble and somehow scarred Bruce for life. What did you do to the poor man?" Clark teased. Lefu grinned widely like the cat that got the cream.

"Well, there's this popular thing on the internet with Superman and Batman that the ladies just love. It's very popular and Jimmy thought it'd be the perfect costume," she teased, trailing off. Clark frowned, not understanding what she meant. Lefu kept smiling and leaned in closely.

"It's the bro-mance thing," she hinted at with a whisper. Clark still didn't get it. He looked clueless. Lefu laughed and they danced off the dance floor towards Bruce. He scooted away from them, keeping them from getting close.

"What's this? Afraid that'll I'll touch you?" Lefu teased. Bruce rubbed a hand down his face in frustration.

"As long as you're wearing that, you are banned from ever touching me ever again. You disappoint me Lefu. That was a bad move," Bruce scolded. Clark watched the exchange still confused. Lefu smirked up at Clark.

"We kissed on stage. It fits with the couples costume that I was telling you about," she told him while Clark sipped at his drink. Clark spluttered and choked on his drink. His hand must have tightened on the cup because it was squashed and sprayed them with the drink.

"Easy there! You got drinks all over yourself and Lefu," Bruce said dryly, handing a handkerchief to Lefu to dry off. Clark coughed and pulled out his own handkerchief.

"Kiss in costume. Couples thing? Like between Superman and Batman," Clark stuttered to himself and glanced at Bruce. Bruce scowled at Lefu who laughed heartily at them.

"Precisely. What I thought was a nice costume is actually a thorn in my side now," Bruce said scathingly. Lefu giggled and grabbed Clark's arm to lead him off.

"We should dry off. I'll see you when we get back," Lefu said, pushing Clark along. Bruce shook his head in dismay.

"Take your time. Hopefully you have to change," he called out to them. Lefu giggled more. She led Clark inside a supply closet and bent over to grab some towels. He was drying off his glasses.

"So, you and Bruce now?" Clark asked carefully. Lefu brought over the towels, clutched to her chest.

"What? No. It was either convince Bruce to come on stage with me or do that with Jimmy. I picked the lesser of two evils. Here's a towel," Lefu said, handing Clark a towel. She wet a towel inside the storage room sink and was wiping herself down. Clark took off his jacket and was patting his shirt dry.

"You are having way too much fun with this," Clark stated. Lefu threw her towel onto Clark's head.

"Darn right! I wouldn't have came at all but the idea was too good to waste," Lefu stated proudly. She reached up to grab the towel off his head, lifting it off his face. Clark grabbed her hand and pulled her up against him and kissed her deeply. She moaned and reached into his shirt so that her hand touched the skin of his chest. He slammed her against the wall, lifting her legs up and around him. She gasped out and tore his shirt off of him. Clark grabbed her wrists and slammed them into the wall above her head, holding her there.

"I don't like it that Bruce kissed you," Clark said gruffly into the skin of her neck, and nipped her. Lefu moaned, rubbing herself up against him. Clark kissed her again. She hooked a leg around his leg and slammed him into the ground, straddling him on top.

"I don't like you pretended our kiss was nothing last time," she growled out and bit his lip. Clark moaned and grabbed her roughly around her neck and kissed her harshly. He flipped her and she was vaguely aware of the concrete cracking from the strength he used. She gasped and pulled him towards her and roughly pushed his pants down his legs. He moaned, slamming her wrists down and holding them above her.

"You make me lose control," he whispered harshly into her ear and bit her lobe. She kissed him harshly and bit his lip.

"Back at you," she whispered back. The sex was, all need and hunger. Clark muffled her moans with harsh kisses. Lefu moaned out his name into his neck as she came. They lay there panting on the floor. Lefu became aware of the destruction they left in the room. Luckily the music was so loud that no one would notice. They would have to have put a hole in the wall.

"Clark, this may seem silly but that was amazing," she breathed out. Clark chuckled and gazed down at her with a smile, smoothing the hair back from her face. Lefu looked up at him and noticed something. The strength of their lovemaking was not normal, his glasses were gone and his smile was too similar to Superman. She scrambled up and shoved her clothes on. Clark, confused and disappointed, slipped on his clothes.

"What's wrong?" he asked her. Lefu pushed him back down straddling him. Her face was right in front of his and her contacts burned away with blue fire. Her wings appeared and she cradled them with it.

"What's wrong? This is what's wrong! I slept with Superman! I wish you mentioned it before hand," she said brokenly. Her wings disappeared and she flitted to the door before he could reply. Lefu stomped out and angrily slammed the door behind herself.

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