Chapter 3 - Medical Attention (Past)

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As Noire walked away, I followed her in an effort to try and talk to her. Regardless of my efforts though, she still tried her best to ignore me.

"Lady Black Heart are you all right?" I asked.
"Perfectly fine thank you." She said whilst increasing her pace. I tried to talk to her more but she wouldn't respond to anything else. Until we reached the entrance of the cave. As we neared the clearing, Noire turned around to face me. She then asked me a flurry of questions.
"Who are you and why are you following me and what do you want with me and..." she trailed off and she began to fall forward. I caught her in my arms before she hit the floor. It appeared she was exhausted. I thought it was because she had used her HDD form but it wasn't the case. I had been just a few seconds too late on dispatching the dragon. She had a nasty cut at her side from one of the Dragons claws. She lost consciousness in my arms and I rushed with her out of the cave and into the woods. I ran with her in my arms until I reached a clearing where there were no trees around and a stream was running close by. I set her down on the lush green grass beneath us and opened my pack quickly. If I didn't help her fast, her life could be on the line. Good thing I always come prepared for situations like this though. I took some gauze out of my pack along with some bandages and peroxide. I disinfected the wound with the peroxide and stopped her bleeding as best as I could with the gauze I had on hand. Next, I wrapped her side with the bandages and she started to relax. She then started shivering. Must've been from the blood loss. I picked her up again and headed straight for Lastation.

I entered my home with her still in my arms and proceeded to my room. I laid her down on my bed and wrapped her in my blankets. She was still shivering though so I did something that if she ever found out about, she would probably kill me. I climbed into the bed next to her and held onto her in an effort to share my body heat with her. She slowly stopped shivering and was soon sleeping soundly. After holding her for awhile, I soon fell asleep as well.

After a few hours of sleeping, I awoke to find that she was still sleeping soundly. It made me wonder when the last time she had slept was. As I went to get up out of my bed, I realized something was holding me back. She was holding onto my arms and she appeared to have a pained expression on her face. I wondered if she was having a nightmare. I decided to hold her close and I ran my fingers through her hair, caressing her head until she had a warm smile on her face. I then got out of the bed and pulled up a chair next to the bed. I then fell back asleep.

It was in the middle of the night when I had awoken again and surprisingly she was still asleep. I waited in the chair for a couple of minutes until I noticed that she had started to stir. She slowly stood up until she was sitting on my bed. She opened her eyes halfway. Still in the process of waking up, she looked at me groggily, looked around the room, then back at me again. After a few seconds however, her eyes became really wide and she screamed "Where the hell am I?"

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