chapter 12

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It was all dark but I could faintly see Cheonsa's figure.

I had instructed Rye to make Cheonsa come to the drama studio for my surprise.

The door creaked opened and my heart thumped faster then ever.

When it was finally time, I signalled Taehyung to on the lights.

"Surprise!" We all said.

However, I failed to nptice the state Cheonsa was in.

I walked up to her with a wistful smile on my face.

"Cheonsa, all I want to say-"

I was slapped by her.

My eyes widened as I stared at her.

It was then that I saw how her body shook with fear and how her eyes were red and puffy.

"You idiot!" She screamed.

Her eyes softened, revealing how vulnerable and scarred she was.

"You i-idiot..." She whimpered as she turned behind and ran.

I just stared at her disappearing figure feeling my heart ache.

Jimin sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I guess, the timing just isnt right." He said sadly as he motioned the rest to give me some space.

The moment the door closed, I broke down.

What did I do wrong? What did I ever do so wrong?

All I wanted was for her to come back to me. Be my girl again.

I need her.

I need you Cheonsa.

I was breathing heavily as my chest burned. The sobs were turning into hiccups as my tears turned into rivulets.

"I really love you." I whispered.

"But why dont you?"


I buried my face into my knees as I tried calming myself down from the shock.

But I just cant.

The flashbacks of the darkness and the silence just kept replaying in my mind.

"Stop it, stop it,stop it..." i kept repeating.

I felt like a mad women.

I couldnt stop. My head was spinning like crazy.

"Please stop..." i whimpered as I clenched onto my head in pain.


I walked down the streets of Tokyo, carrying bag as I just finished my night classes.

I was whistling to a song when I suddenly heard punchinh noises.

Being curious, i walked to where I heard the sounds.

I gasped silently when I saw a gang beating up a boy.

The boy was already lying there, blood stained his already red shirt, but they just wont stop beating him.

"Next time, remember to bring money." The leader spat.

I was frozen but I forced myself to run.

It was dark so i didnt know where I was running.

All I saw was the lights coming from the convenience store.

I quickly ran inside as I tried catching my breath.

What if they saw me? What if I become like him?


My eyes fluttered open.

My head throbbed like crazy but I managed to sit up right?

I-I passed out?

I looked around but realised that I was not in my room.

This room, looked oddly familar.

I slolwy stood up and made my way to the door.

" your saying, you didnt come to my house yesterday? Then who did?" I heard a male shout.

"Im telling you it wasnt me! Maybe it was Jimin or Taehyung or Cheonsa!" I heard the female gasp after she realised what she said.

I took a step back as I realised.

This house was Jungkook's.

The door flew open.

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