Chapter 9

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I'm not surprised that she's awake. It's 7 in the morning, and she woke me up crying cause she was hungry.

Not surprising..

The thing that surprised me, was the fact that Nate was still asleep. He slept through his mom calling him, to tell him her plane was delayed, and he didn't even hear our daughter cry.

He's been asleep for a while though. Brett was lecturing Nate for like twenty minutes before dinner, then not even ten minutes after dinner, he told me he needed to lie down, and he has been asleep ever since.

As I silently burp the baby, I stop, after she threw up, all over her receiving blanket.


"Nate.." I whisper.



Still nothing.

"Nathan!" I raise my voice slightly, but kept my whisper.

I heard him snort quietly as he lifted his head confused.

"What?" He asked, looking over slightly. "What's wrong?"

"Get me a towel, please?" I ask him.

His hair fell in his face, as he looked at me.

"You having trouble?" He asked.

"No," I say. "She threw up."

"Alright," He mumbled, getting up, going to our bathroom.

As soon as he left, the baby started crying quietly.

After another minute, he returned with a towel.

"Did you wet it?" I ask him, as he handed me the towel.

"Yes," he answered, lying back down.

"Thank you." I tap his arm, as I wipe up the baby and her blanket.

"That's like the third time she threw up tonight." He mumbled half asleep.

"I know."

"Is she sick?" He asked, his voice quiet.

"I think she's just being difficult, don't worry about it." I tell him. "Go back to sleep."

As I stand up, Nate drifted off. The baby won't stop crying, and I have a feeling if she keeps crying, she'll wake Nate up. So, rocking her is my only option.

Nate hasn't been sleeping much. He keeps waking up every few hours, coughing, then he'd be fine. I don't understand what he's doing. Something isn't right. But I'm assuming that he reacting to what happened with Hunter. It's been a couple months, but I don't blame him. Hunter is his best friend, and he lost him.

But everyone takes their own time.

Thankfully, after a minute of me walking back and fourth in our room, Briar seemed to calm down, so putting her in her bed, I quietly leave the room, letting Nate and the baby sleep.

I'm awake now, so there's no point in trying to sleep. My tossing and turning, will wake him up.

Which is not something I want.

As I walk out into the kitchen, I turn a light on. I guess I can make coffee, or breakfast. Setting my phone down on the counter, I grab two plates from my cupboard, grabbing the bread from the bread box.

As I was getting, the toaster, something buzzed loudly, making me jump.

Being me, my mind went to the least possible answer. Rattlesnake. But turning around, I see Nate's Tablet on the counter.



It wasn't a rattlesnake..


Giving my head a shake, I get back to what I was doing.

But once again, I was stopped when a quiet bang, followed by a loud crash. Looking up, I look towards the hallway.

"Nate?" I ask, setting the coffee pod down. "Nate? Are you okay?"

He isn't answering.


Walking down the hall, I walk into our room, seeing that he wasn't here. Looking over, I see him walk out of the bathroom, holding a facecloth to his face.

"What did you do?" I ask him, as I drag him out of the room, in fear that he'd wake the baby.

"Uh, one of your baskets fell off the shelf, and decided to cut my face." He said. "It's nothing." He added.

"Let me see." I say to him, pulling the cloth away from his eye.

It's slightly swollen, and bleeding. What basket hit him? The plastic one?

"See? It's nothing." He told me, as he walked away.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Mhm." He told me walking to the living room.

"You can go back to sleep, if you want." I start. "I think you should."

"I'm okay." He said silently, before lying down on the couch.

"Coffee?" I ask.

"No thanks, I'm fine." He mumbled.

"Too bad." I say to him. "I'm making you one."

I heard him hiss quiet silently. "I can't win with you, can I?" He asked.


I watched him lift his head then sigh.

"You're a special one," He told me.

"I know,"

Miserable at Best (Sequel to Our Never Ending Melody) (NateWantsToBattle)Where stories live. Discover now