Chapter 23

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I can't be entirely sure, but after an hour or two, everything settled. Morgan, Alex and my wife were in the living room watching a movie, Nate's mother took her granddaughter with her so those two could relax.

I was in the recording room, playing Dark Souls 3. Nate was asleep, curled up in a blanket on the other side of the Recording room rather than back to the living room. So, Morgan threw a couple blankets in there, as well as some tea.. She's trying everything. Tea, soup.. Anything. He only drank the tea.. He wouldn't touch the food. Nothing.

Morgan's trying so hard yet she has no idea what is wrong with him. Her biggest concern is, if he doesn't start eating soon, he'll starve. Which I believe.

Thankfully, he dozed off as soon as I came in here to keep him company. He was awake long enough to drink some tea, but after that he passed out.

Morgan's worried sick. But Phebbles calmed her mind. Morgan knows I'm with him, so that calmed her down a lot.

I silently played my game, every few minutes, looking at Nate, who looked quite peaceful curled up in a small blanket ball. I would love to sleep right now, but I actually don't think I should.

Everything was silent, all until Nate startled me, by coughing up a storm. Dropping my controller, I stay quiet. He continued to cough, his entire body shaking with each cough. His violent coughing turned into him somewhat choking.

He thinks he can keep this secret as long as he can.. But the truth is, he's getting worse, and he can't control it.

"Nate!" I tap his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Me shaking him, woke him up.. "What?!" He asked startled.

"Hey! Nate! What's the matter?"

"What? Nothing.." He answerered with a cough.

"Nate.." I start, looking over. "Maybe you should tell Morgan about this." I say to him.

"N-No.." He shook his head. "I'm fine."

"You're fine?" I ask. "Nate, you said this wouldn't effect you that much, why all of a sudden are you so sick?"

"I haven't taken any of the pills that were perscribed." He answered.

"Why? Nate!"

"I don't know." He answered me.

"Start. Taking. Them.." I snap at him.

"Whatever.." He mumbled. "I don't honestly care anymore.. Weather I live or die.. It doesn't matter to me anymore."


He looked at me, then tried his best to get up. After a failed attempt he got up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as he pulled himself up.

He shook his head, looking at me. "No, I just wanna grab a drink." He said.

I looked at him, then sighed.

"Then I'm going to bed. I have a killer headache." He added before walking\stumble out of the room.

Morgan looked at me then sighed, before following him.

What do I do?

He can't keep this secret for long..

Miserable at Best (Sequel to Our Never Ending Melody) (NateWantsToBattle)Where stories live. Discover now