Chapter 19

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I don't get it.

He's not eating anything. He hasn't eaten in two days.

I was in the kitchen, wiping up from my mess. Nate was sitting at the island with a bowl of stew I made, he w had his head rested on his hand and his right elbow. He was stirring the stew with the spoon he had in his left hand.

Something's not right with him.

I feel as if I need to question him.

"Hey." I say to him, setting the wine glass in the sink of hot water.

"Hey.." He answered, not looking at me.

"You okay?" I ask him calmly.

He didn't seem to hear me.

"Nate?" I ask him.

"Hmm?" He finally looked up from his bowl

"Are you not hungry?" I ask him calmly.

"Not really." He answered quietly, before looking back down to his bowl

"Is it the beef?" I ask him, knowing he will avoid beef like the plague.

"There's beef in this?" He asked me, narrowing his eyes at the bowl.

"No, never mind.." I say to him, drying out one of the wine glasses, making him look up with a yawn.

With I smile, I look over to him. "I knew it, you're tired." I say to him with a smirk.

"What?" He asked. "No, I'm okay, hun.."

"Go lay down." I say to him. "I worried about you, Nate."


"You haven't eaten a proper meal in two days." I explain quietly.

He looked away silently. "Haven't been hungry." He mumbled, looking to me.

I was about to answer him, when the baby who was only sleeping for an hour, started crying.

"I'll go." He told me, getting up. "Just relax."

He left me in the kitchen, and I continued putting the dishes away. I wasn't alone for long though. My sister Alex, walked into the kitchen with one of the three cats that belong to Brett and Phoebe.

"Hey, is that boyfriend of yours in a bad mood or something?" My sister asked me, sitting down where Nate was sitting as I take the bowl of Stew he never touched. He didn't even eat enough of it, to realize there was Beef in it.

"Nate, in a bad moon? No.. He's just tired." I defend my boyfriend and his unusual behavior.

"Tired, okay.." She muttered.

"Hmm?" I look over at my sister.

"What?" She asked.

"You said something?" I ask.


With a look at her, I take a bottle of water out of the fridge, setting it on the counter.

"Are you not worried about Nate, Morgan?" My sister asked calmly.

I look down, thinking for a moment. "Yeah, I'll admit it... I'm worried... I'm really worried." I start. "But he's Nate, he'll bounce back eventually.. Maybe he's having a rough go..."

"Rough go?" Alex asked. "With what?"

"The car accident with Hunter really effected him.. Not just physically, but mentally.." I tell my sister. "Hunter is his best friend, and he blames himself for Hunter's fate... Yet, it wasn't his fault.."

My sister looked at me for a moment.

"Hunter, as in Hunter Hughes? I heard he was in an accident. I also heard Nate was in an accident, but I wasn't aware they were in the same accident.. I'm sorry."

I only sigh, wrapping the food, my boyfriend didn't eat.

"He blames himself for a lot of things that's happened." I say. "Blames himself for our separation, blames himself for seeing Erika, he even blames himself for something completely out of his control." I explain quietly.

"Sounds like he's struggling a lot." My sister said to me calmly.

"I don't know what he's going through." I answer. "He's in mental pain, and physical pain. Let me tell ya, I don't think tumbling down those stairs helped him in any way."

Alex smiled faintly. "He fought that off, like nothing." She said to me.

"Yeah, well.. If he didn't fight, then who where would he be now?"

Miserable at Best (Sequel to Our Never Ending Melody) (NateWantsToBattle)Where stories live. Discover now