Chapter 2 - New Year's Eve Concert

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(A/N: Play media whenever you want or you can go play it when it's the performance)

Mayura slowly opened her eyes to see the mint green ceiling of her bedroom. She slowly sat up and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. She was exhausted after reading so many protests of her fans to not be on break but she firmly declared that she would be on break for three years before resuming again.

Her last performance will be on January 1st as part of the new year's eve concert. Many other artists are joining in as well.

" Mayu-nee! Get up! " the voice of Yumiko shouted from the other side of Mayura's bedroom room door.

Mayura groaned before dragging herself to her bathroom and took a shower. She quickly threw on a pair of shorts, slippers and a long sleeve top.

When she entered the dining room, she saw her father at the head of the table, reading a newspaper with her mother on his right, sipping her cup of coffee. As for Ryuuji and Yumiko, they were both sitting patiently at their seats.

" Ohaiyo " Mayu greeted as she took her seat on the left of her father.

" Thank you for the food! " the family chorused as they dug into their breakfast which was salad, bacon, French toast and coffee or milk as drinks.

" So...are you busy today, Mayu-nee? " Yumiko asked as she popped a small piece of French toast into her mouth.

" Yes, I have to take the entrance exam for Ouran and then go for costume fittings for my New Year's Eve Concert. " Mayura replied as she glanced at Yumiko who suddenly seemed sad.

" Aw, I wanted to spend the day with you... " Yumiko pouted as she drank her milk.

" How about the day after tomorrow? I'm free then as I have rehearsal tomorrow. " Mayura suggested and Yumiko's face lit up.

" Alright! " Yumiko exclaimed as she fist pumped the air.

" What about me Mayu-nee? I have a game next Wednesday. " Ryuuji asked as he looked down at his plate.

" I'll be there no matter what. Besides, what game are you playing again? "

" Volleyball! " Ryuuji said with excitement.

" Ok, ok. So the day after tomorrow, I'll be with Yumiko and on next Wednesday I'll be with Ryuuji. Fair enough. " Mayura mumbled to herself as she finished her breakfast.

" Oh, I have something to say before you leave. " Paolo said before the others went out of the dining room.

" I'll be hosting a business party here at our mansion of ours with the company's business partners and their children on Sunday. Behave yourselves on that day, understood? " Paolo said as he looked sternly at the younger two children.

" Hai! " the two chorused.

Paolo chuckled before kissing his wife goodbye and left for work.
Mayura wore a long sleeve grey top which was tucked into a pink skirt and wore a pair of black sandals. She curled her long brown hair slightly at the end.

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