Chapter 20 - Date

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" Tomorrow? " Mayura was on the phone with Kyoya.

It was the fourth day of summer vacation and her schedule was hectic. Having several photo shoots for different magazines, interviews and more was exhausting.

Mayura was just soaking in warm water in her bathtub when Kyoya decided to call her.

" Yeah, I was wondering if you could come to Karuizawa. If you're not busy that is, I would like to use my reward for winning the game. " Kyoya explained.

" I wouldn't mind. I only have a morning photoshoot tomorrow but why Karuizawa? " Mayura was puzzled, why the hell was Kyoya in Karuizawa?

" Tamaki. " Kyoya answered and Mayura understood immediately.

" I can make it to Karuizawa around afternoon after my photoshoot. What are we doing anyway? "

" That will be a secret. Just wear casual clothes. You can stay at my vacation house if you're not in a hurry to get back the next day. " Kyoya offered.

" Hm, I'll get back to you soon. In fifteen? " Mayura suggested.

" Did I caught you at a bad timing? I'm sorry. " he apologised.

" No, no, it's not your fault. I'll get back to you soon. See ya. " Mayura hung up before leaving her phone on the counter and sunk into the water until her nose was underwater.
" Ne, Dem, I don't have anything to do the day after tomorrow right? " Mayura asked as she plopped herself onto Demetria's bed.

" Nothing really. Why? " Demetria answered, not looking up from her book that she was reading.

" Kyoya asked me to come to Karuizawa tomorrow. He wanted to use the reward he gained from our game. " Mayura explained.

" Ah, could he be asking you to go on a date~? " Demetria teased, losing interest in her book as she grinned at Mayura who pouted.

" You got it all wrong. Who knows, it just might be helping him with the club's costs and all that. " she shrugged.

" Whatever you say, I'm thinking it's gonna be a date. " Demetria winked.

" Wanna bet? "

" Sure! What's on the line? " Demetria had a Cheshire grin on her face.

" Loser has to obey the winner for one week! " Mayura triumphantly grinned, " And I know I'm gonna win. "

" You're on! "
" So, what did you want me to do? I'm technically your slave until tomorrow. " Mayura crossed her arms across her chest as she rode in the limo with Kyoya when he came to pick her up.

" We shall drop your things at my vacation house before we go for our date. " Kyoya answered simply, causing Mayura's jaw to drop.

" D-D-Date?! " she stuttered.

" Yes, date. As my slave, you can't deny my wishes therefore you can't deny my desire to go on a date with you. " Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

" You won't be getting any merits from going on a date with me. " Mayura protested despite the fact that she felt slightly happy.

" On the contrary, I would be getting some sort of merit if all goes well. " Kyoya argued, " But I won't say it. "

Mayura pouted.

" Oh, by the way, you look nice. " Kyoya added as he turned his head away to look out the window.

Mayura could feel a blush coming and covered the bottom half of her face.

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