Chapter 18 - Secret's Out

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" Mmm... " Mayura stirred as her head was resting on her arms which she was using as a pillow.

She had fallen asleep while working on some new songs but she could afford to sleep in since it was the weekend.

She picked up her phone to see that it was already eleven in the morning.

'Wah, I must have been really tired...' Mayura thought as she combed through her messy hair with her hands as she exited the built in studio where she could write and record songs so that she doesn't need to travel very far.

" Good mor— " Mayura blinked.

The host club blinked.

Mayura blinked.

The host club—THE HOST CLUB?!

" EHHHHHH?!?!?! "
" Why on earth is the host club here? In my house? " Mayura asked as she sat on a couch in the living room with a cup of coffee while her brow twitched in annoyance.

" Well...we wanted to visit your house since we've already visited Haruhi's. " the twins explained nonchalantly.

" Your timing couldn't possibly be any worse. " Mayura sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

" Shouldn't you change into more appropriate clothing? Perhaps not in your pyjamas? " Kyoya asked as Mayura looked down to see that she was still wearing her nightgown.

" Buzz off. It was all your fault for coming to my house uninvited. " Mayura grumbled as she sipped her coffee, " Who let you in the house? "

" Sorry, Mayura. Tamaki-senpai lied to the maid that you were expecting us. " Haruhi apologised.

" TA-MA-KI " Mayura had a very dangerous look in her eyes as Tamaki cowered behind Mori.

" But why were you sleeping in? " the twins asked.

" None of your business " Mayura snapped at them.

" Mayura, I got the—what the hell are they doing here? " Demetria narrowed her gaze at the host club who were lounging around the living room.

" They decided to make a surprise visit since they did the same to Haruhi. " Mayura groaned as she rubbed her neck, " Ah, dammit, shouldn't have of slept on the table. "

" That's your own fault. " Demetria blamed as she went to get herself a cup of coffee as well.

" Ne, ne, Mayu-chan, usually you and Dem-chan drink tea, do how come you're drinking coffee, now? " Honey asked curiously.

" Because we didn't get enough sleep no matter how late we wake up. " Mayura said seriously, the dark circles under her eyes emphasising the fact.

" But you and Demetria never have dark circles under your eyes at school. " Haruhi pointed out.

" Make up sweetie and a whole lot of putting on face masks. " Demetria answered as she took a seat on one of the comfy chairs with her steaming cup of coffee.

" Anyway, get out of my house. " Mayura demanded.

" Why? " Tamaki and the twins whined.

" You have nothing to do here in the first place. You visited thus, your purpose of coming has been accomplished so you have no reason to be here any longer. " Mayura explained just as she heard Ryuuji's and Yumiko's voice.

" Mayu-nee! " they shouted happily as they ran into the living room only to stop short at the sight of their sister not being the only one in the room.

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