Chapter 28 - Princess of Curses

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North building basement, innermost corridor, beyond those doors lies the black magic club.

Two ordinary male students were wandering around the school and happened to stumble upon the location. Curious, they opened the door.

" Welcome! Please come in~ " Nekozawa greeted as he wore a fancy Victorian style tuxedo with Belzenef on his hand as usual.

The other three male members were dressed similarly. All with their hair covering their eyes. The last member, a female, wore a Victorian styled dress and held a card in one of her hands, covering her mouth.

The two curious students who accidentally opened the door screamed in surprise before they ran away with tears in their eyes.

" It appeared! There actually is a black magic club! That's why I said I didn't want to explore the basement! " one of them yelled.

" So scary! So freaking scary! " the other shrieked.

" Ridiculed by customers again? " Nekozawa sighed, " There's no point in wearing these even though we imitate the host club's showy costumes... "

The male members began to wear their usual, black robes without hesitation.

" I agree, president...we're more comfortable with our usual black attire. " one of them spoke up, " Besides, how about this? You probably can't tell by looking...but this... "

" Linen cloaks especially made for summer! " one cheered with glee.

" Because it's breezy, right? " the other two chimed in.

" Fufufu, they look great on everyone! " Nekozawa complimented.

" Oh, you haven't changed, Kanazuki-san? " Nekozawa noticed, " What have you been so focused on doing this time? "

" A curse... " Kanazuki Reiko, first year from class 1-D, muttered.

" There it is! Kanazuki's 18th curse! " the three cheered to show their support.

" Who is the lucky victim this time? " Nekozawa inquired, " Oh? Isn't he from the host club? Kanazuki-san, why on earth do you hold a grudge against him? "

Nekozawa looked over Kanazuki's shoulder to see the picture she held in her hand.

" Well, president Nekozawa, he actually... " Kanazuki paused for a moment, " ...captured my soul. "

The four male members and Belzenef were all struck by lightning at the revelation.
Honey sneezed.

" Oh no, have you caught a cold, Honey-kun? " one of Honey's and Mori's guest asked worriedly, " The change of seasons makes the body very susceptible to colds. "

" No, I'm ok... " Honey reassured as he rubbed his nose and Mori was already ready with a box of tissues.

" You shouldn't push yourself! Actually, since this morning, I too, have a slight fever... " another added.

" That won't do, my lady... " Tamaki stepped in with a cup of warm tea, " Here, this ginger tea will help to warm you up. Let's go do some fortune telling to see if that fever is from a cold or...from thinking about me... "

" Tamaki-sama! " the guest squealed.

" Tamaki-sama, are you going to explain this fortune telling? " the other asked.

" Why, of course, milady. " Tamaki smiled, " People from ancient times used stars and plants to foresee their destinies but recently, using familiar electrical home appliances and stationeries have become a popular way to tell one's fortune. "

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