Chapter 19 - Cavity

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" You've done it now. " Tamaki gasped as he stared at Honey's usa-chan that had tea spilled all over it.

" That's definitely not our fault. " the twins defended.

" But you guys were the ones who bumped into it, were you not?! It's your fault! " Tamaki accused.

" That's because Haruhi was running away. " Hikaru explained as he and Kaoru was holding Haruhi hostage in between them, using their arms to trap her.

" We wanted to have some fun by having her do a little cosplay. " Kaoru elaborated.

" We're always doing cosplay! What's the difference? " Tamaki asked.

" Not the usual cosplay. " the twins had a mischievous look on their faces, " This time in a bunny girl costume—disguised as a girl! "

" Disguised as a girl? " Haruhi repeated in confusion, 'But I am a girl?...'

" Don't you want to see that too, boss? " the twins asked, causing Tamaki to blush and daydream once again.

'I'd definitely want to see that' he blushed a bright red.

" But that's not the point! And where do you get off trying to take advantage of this commotion?! Let Haruhi go! " Tamaki demanded as the twins refused childishly and Haruhi struggled to escape from their grasps.

Nearby, Kyoya and Mori were sitting at a table, Mori reading a book while Kyoya was typing away on his laptop. The table next to theirs was where Mayura and Demetria were sitting at. Mayura overseeing her schedule for summer vacation while Demetria was reading a book as well.

" There aren't any guests so I don't mind the commotion, but, " Kyoya stopped typing, " are you sure you want to? You'll wake Honey-senpai. "

The three immediately stopped their antics and paled. They looked towards where Honey was sleeping on a couch with a pillow and blanket draped over him.

He was sleeping peacefully.

" He's a third year in high school yet he still takes naps? " Haruhi wondered, " Well, we can't cry over spilt milk so we'll just have to wake him up, tell him and apologise directly. "

" Wait! Don't go near Honey-senpai! " the trio whisper shouted as they hid behind a couch.

" Take shelter over here! Hurry! " Tamaki beckoned.

" What? " Haruhi asked the three.

" Honey-senpai wakes up in a megaton-class ill humour. " Tamaki whispered frantically, causing Haruhi to become even more confused.

" This is just a rumour but when Honey-senpai's family was visiting a U.S. military installation to give hand-to-hand combat technique training, Honey-senpai was said to have slept the entire time due to jet lag. " Tamaki gossiped, " When one soldier tried to wake him up since he had been sleeping for too long, two unfortunate platoons of green beret special forces were wiped out in seconds by Honey-senpai and ever since then, they say that there have been diplomatic issues with America. "

" It's terrifying... " the twins shivered.

" What's even worse, I heard that Usa-chan was handmade by his late grandmother. Judging by the way he always carries it around with him, there is little doubt that it's very precious to him. Once he wakes up and sees his Usa-chan irrevocably altered... " Tamaki trailed off as the trio thought of what would happen and screamed.


" I find that there are many new idiotic antics to satisfy your appetite for humour in this club. " Demetria remarked after hearing Tamaki tell the story.

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