Chapter 31 - The Crown

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B[ ]H
Go up and sink
Between the Holy Mother and Angel

Everyone stared blankly at the clue.
" A sweet, fragrant sea breeze... " Tamaki cooed as he and the others were dressed up in fancy random costumes, " ...a scarlet sunset that burns the heart, how mysterious. Until only a moment ago, I thought we were under the sunny autumn sky of Japan. "

The entire host club sat in one of those boats that were used to transport people around with Mori steering it.

" Look, Haruhi...the gentle water flowing in this canal...the grand atmosphere is... " Tamaki paused, " ...just like how daddy feels about you. "

" A dead end! " the twins chorused as the boat hit a wall.

" It seems to be a one-way street! " Honey chirped.

" So Tamaki's feelings for Haruhi is a dead end? " Mayura wondered as the twins nodded.

" That's not it! I said 'gentle' and 'grand'! The scenery was a metaphor in a princely character scene! " Tamaki protested.

Demetria sighed in exasperation.

" Would you please stop moving. You're rocking the boat. " Kyoya commanded.

" Um, should we be really arguing right now? " Demetria's eyebrow twitched as the idiotic trio began to quarrel with one another.

" The football club is ahead of us now. " Haruhi pointed out.

" Oh no! This is bad! " Tamaki exclaimed, " Row faster! Faster! Faster! "

" Does B[]H mean that there's supposed to be a missing letter in the square? " Hikaru asked thoughtfully.

" Could it be 'west'? As in B for bust, W for waist and H for hip? " Kaoru guessed.

" 'Go up and sink'? ...the sun? " Mori frowned.

" Ah, it could be a song! " Demetria exclaimed, " The moon rises and the sun sets in 🎶 "

" 'Tenjiku', isn't that India? " Mayura asked.

" That's also the destination of the party in the journey to the west. " Kyoya nodded.

" KCN = cyanide kalium, potassium cyanide. " Honey said seriously, not looking like his happy-go-lucky self, " It's known for its potent poison and its almond-like scent. Because almonds contain hydrocyanic sugar— "

" Honey-senpai! Stop! Stop! Your character shouldn't have such vocabulary! " the twins shouted.

" W can be replaced by west. " Kuze muttered.

" 3 out of the five clues are related to the west. Assuming that one of them either pints to the sun or sea...that means... " a glint appeared in both captains' eyes, " the destination is the west gym where the third years are holding their event. " they concluded.
" OH! The final match is getting even more exciting! Is it chance or inevitable? " the live commentator yelled into the microphone to hype up the crowd, " Both clubs have deduced the same destination—sunset Venice at the west gym! Please watch the screen! "

" Carnivale! The host club has quickly changed into carnivale venetian costumes due to the change of locations! What an awesome performer's spirit! They didn't care that it was not necessary for the race or that it was a complete waste of time! They are reckless, you can say! " the commentator remarked, " Incidentally, 'Sunset Venice' is apparently an event in which the ancient Italian city of Venice has been reconstructed in the west gym. Anyhow, let's continue with our live report! "

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