Chapter 16 - Incident

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Mayura and Demetria sat on one couch, opposite of the hosts. Tamaki, Haruhi and Honey was sitting on the couch opposite of the two girls while Mori, Kyoya and the twins stood around the couch Tamaki was sitting on.

The atmosphere around them was tense as the two girls had decided to explain what had actually happened on the beach and thus, Kyoya had closed club activities for that day.

" You don't have to explain it so soon. It's only been a few days since we came back from the beach. You can take your— " Tamaki was cut off by Mayura who had yelled.

" NO! " she yelled as she looked down at her lap, " If I don't do it now...who knows when we'll ever be able to tell you... "

" I'll start. " Demetria began, " Me and Mayura have been friends since we were children. We were of the best of friends and we would go on each others' family outings as long as we had permission from our parents to go. Everything started when my family decided to go on a cruise. It's called the Dream Cruise at that time. It was high class and since it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and had enough money to get tickets without worrying for the aftermath, we invited Mayura to come along. Of course, she came. "

" All of these outings took place during the holidays. It's either Dem's family come to Japan or my family go to America. There wasn't really any danger because the whole crew and captain are experienced. They've done this several times before so we took comfort in that fact and let our guard down. But...somehow, we were hijacked by terrorists. It was a blur, really. But not only did the chaos start on the first day, there was a really bad storm happening at that moment. " Mayura continued, her eyes glassy.

" Wait, this incident sounds familiar. Is this the cruise incident where there was less than thirty survivors from the original over five hundred passengers? " Kyoya asked.

" Yes, we are the survivors from that incident. Many had either been shot, trapped under burning debris or drowned. " Mayura nodded.

" The terrorists had planted a bomb at the bottom of the ship, setting it off, the ship began to tip. If that wasn't enough chaos, lightning decided to strike at that moment, at that enormous glass window that was right behind me... " Demetria trailed off, the hosts gulped as they remembered seeing the scars on Demetria's back, " ...I'm sure you guys know how to connect the dots. Those scars...those were the places where the glass was embedded into my skin. "


A six-year-old Demetria was lost...her family and Mayura were separated from her during the chaos as people were rushing around, panicking.

" Mama? Mama! Papa! " she screamed out, hoping that they would hear her but it was futile.

Her screams were drowned out by the screams, shouts and yells of the others. It was chaotic. Demetria slowly backed away only to hear the roar of the thunder and a flash of lightning before hearing the sound of glass breaking.


Demetria screamed in pain as tears streamed down her cheeks. She could feel the pain of every shard of glass piercing her skin at the back.

She saw her mother push past all of the other people to get to her.

" Demetria! " her mother shouted as she embraced her child who was in pain, " It's ok. It's ok. Everything will be alright. The pain will go away soon, sweetie. We have to find your father, Anderson and Mayura first. "

All Demetria could do was nod in tears as she held back her wails.

~Flashback end~

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