Chapter 10 - Ootori Banquet

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" Honestly, do I really have to go? " Mayura whined as her mother was picking out a dress for Mayura to wear for the Ootori banquet.

" Yes, dear. Keep Kyoya company because I've heard most of the other guests are just the old people. Thinking of poor Kyoya having to entertain them is nasty so, you're going to attend too. " Ayumi smiled a devilish smile, " Are you disobeying me? "

" NO MA'AM! " Mayura immediately shook her head.

" Good! " she clapped her hands as she continued digging through the closet.

" Be a dear and ask Kyoya what colour he's wearing. " Ayumi ordered as Mayura sighed and immediately dialed Kyoya's number.

" Hello, Mayura? "

" Sorry for the disturbance, Kyoya. My mom wanted me to ask you what colourful are you wearing for the banquet. " Mayura explained.

" Oh, well, just a black suit I guess. " Kyoya answered, uncertain.

" Thanks. I'll see you later. Goodbye. " Mayura hangs up once she heard Kyoya bid her farewell.

" He said a black suit. " Mayura repeated to Ayumi who was gritting her teeth.

" That doesn't help! Fine, this will do for now. " Ayumi finally pulled out a a gorgeous grey dress with short sleeves and the top part had some lace designs on it.

It was simple and to Mayura's liking.

" By the way, " Ayumi had a mysterious smile on her lips, " I heard that you've been hanging around Kyoya a lot more than the other hosts

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" By the way, " Ayumi had a mysterious smile on her lips, " I heard that you've been hanging around Kyoya a lot more than the other hosts. Could this be love? "

" LOVE?! " Paolo barged into the room, panting.

" You got it wrong! He's the one that I felt closest to and besides, we already met before and the others were strangers. It's normal to hang with someone you're familiar with. " Mayura became flustered and hastily explained.

" Whatever you say sweetie. " Ayumi doubted the explanation.

" Someone is in love with my daughter?! " Paolo asked as he followed Ayumi out of Mayura's room.

" Oh, Paolo! Let her live her life once in a while. Let her get a boyfriend soon. " Ayumi said casually.

" I do let her live her life as much as she wants. The only thing I will not tolerate is her being in a relationship! " Paolo argued.

" Then when am I allowed to be in one? " Mayura asked as she stood at her doorway.

" When you are 80! " Paolo replied immediately with a firm look.

" WHAT?! " Ayumi and Mayura exclaimed in surprise.

Soon, Paolo found himself on the floor due to Ayumi smacking him on the head.

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