Chapter 17 - Zuka Club

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" Ah, I listened to your new song yesterday, it was nice. " Haruhi complimented to Mayura.

" Was it? I didn't really know what made me write a love song honestly, but I'm glad that my fans like it. " Mayura blushed.

The two were walking back to the club room after buying two bags full of instant coffee.

Suddenly, a monkey appeared and dropped a banana peel in front of Haruhi, causing her to slip on it but just before she could fall a woman caught her.

" H-Haruhi?! " Mayura shouted in surprise, " Are you ok? "

" Y-Yeah... "

" It would be a shame if any harm cane to that cute face of yours, ojou-san. " the mysterious woman said as she stood up.

That's when Mayura and Haruhi realised that the woman had called Haruhi 'ojou-san'.
" Welcome! " the host club greeted, all of them wearing knight uniforms.

The ones who had opened the door was none other than two girls from another school. They seem to be unimpressed.

" Well, well, well, girls from another school, are you? I hope we haven't startled our first time guests here a little bit. " Tamaki approached the two, " I'm glad that you have come, my princesses. Even if the world were to be destroyed, I would want to be the knight to protect you from this day forward, even if it costs my life. "

" Ara, at the cost of his own life, he says? Isn't that quite an arrogant sentiment? " the girl with long hair asked, " I wonder if he thinks that's what makes a woman happy. "

The host club just stared at the two girls who seem unaffected by Tamaki's flirting.

" What can you do, Suzuran-nee? Men are lower life forms, who prioritise their own honour above all else. They take their own futility of the inability to protect one of their kind and change it into something to sit themselves. Isn't that condescending? " the other girl with shorter hair said.

" My, Hinagiku, you're such a clever girl. "

" Well then, that's quite harsh. What would you want me to say then? " Tamaki asked, standing up from his kneeling position.

" Good question. In my case, it would be 'I would never leave my lover alone.' " a new voice said.

Everyone turned to see Haruhi who was held by the same woman who caught Haruhi from falling. Mayura just walking into the room, sighing.

" 'If we are to fight, it will be together. If we prevail not, we shall meet our fate together. Even though I perish, I swear to you, I will never leave your side.' " the woman then proceeded to peck the back of Haruhi's hand.

" Benibara-sama, you're late. " the shorter haired girl scolded.

" What are we to do with you? And where did you find this adorable lady? " the longer haired girl asked.

" Oh, just over there. She may be dressed as a boy but I could tell right away. Look here. " the woman then rubbed Haruhi's cheek, " Such clear, maidenly eyes... "

The three woman then proceeded to fangirl over Haruhi.

" What a pain... " Mayura sighed as she sat next to Kyoya on the couch.

The host club had did as the two girls requested and did not act any different around them and had kept their mouths shut about the incident.

" Hold on, don't touch my Haruhi! " Tamaki yelled as he ran over to the two girls only to be hit by the woman holding Haruhi.

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