⭐️ Bonus #1 - Baby Chick ⭐️

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" Chika-kun! Chika-kun! Guess what? Takashi has a baby chick in his house now! " Honey excitedly announced to his younger brother.

" So what? " Chika asked with a tick mark on his forehead.
" That stupid lolicon! What an alien! Also, what's with the 'baby chick'? So what if Taka-nii has begun to raise baby chicks in his house? So what... " Chika muttered to himself as he grabbed a book from his bookshelf.

" So what... " Chika trailed off as he opened a box in his room.

The box revealed to have all sorts of baby chicks merchandise. Magazines, books about baby chicks. Baby chicks plushies of various sizes.

'AHHH! I REALLY LOVE THEM!' Chika cried out in his mind as he hugged one of his plushies.

It seems to run in the family. Apparently, Chika loves small animals such as baby chicks.

" Ah, I wanna see them! I wanna see them so badly! " Chika moaned as tears welled up in his eyes, " But I need to keep up this stern personality so I need to avoid them for a while... "


'Ah, maybe I can pretend to have some business with Satoshi and follow him back to the Morinozuka household. Then I can later secretly leave Satoshi's room...' Chika thought happily, '...then no one will be able to find out!'

Honey chose that moment to enter Chika's room, " Chika-chan! Guess what? Mother bought us some cake— "


'Especially him! He can't know! That was close' Chika sighed in relief as he managed to knock out Honey.

'If things go well, I can see the baby chick!' Chika thought hopefully.
" Yo, Yasuchika! Came to see visit since I don't have any club activities today! " Satoshi greeted Chika in front of his house.

Chika grew a tick mark.

" Oh, were you going out? Glad that I was able to catch you! " Satoshi said happily.

" No... " Chika growled.

'Pay more attention to things around you, you idiot!' Chika snapped in his mind.

" Why are you even here? We didn't plan to do anything. Unlike you, I'm busy all year round— "


Chika nursed the bump on his head caused by Satoshi who whacked him with his stick that he conveniently brought along.

" Now, what to do? Oh yeah! Taka-nii bought a baby chick at the festival! Wanna see some pictures? " Satoshi suggested, immediately catching Chika's attention.

" It-It's not like I like baby chicks or anything! " Chika stuttered our.

'Piyo-chan? Piyo-chan! Hurry! Where are you Piyo-chan?!'

" It's real cute too! " Satoshi added.

" Oh, it's Satoshi-kun~ " Honey sang out as he spotted the two middle schoolers, " Whatcha looking at? "

Immediately, Chika kicked Satoshi's phone away, high into the air.

" KYAAAAAHHHH! " Satoshi screamed and began to chase after Chika, " You bastard! What the hell was that for?! What did I ever do to you?! "

" Aw, aren't they such good friends? " Honey smiled, oblivious.

That night, Chika cried to himself while hugging one of his large plushies to his chest for not being able to see the picture.
" Here, a new phone. " Chika said as he handed the brand new phone to Satoshi.

" Wow, thanks! Oh! It's a new model too! " Satoshi exclaimed in surprise, " Now, what should I put as my wallpaper? "

Chika immediately placed his hand on Satoshi's shoulder to stop him from walking away and to listen to him, " Put a bird. "

" What? A bird? " Satoshi repeated in disbelief.

" On tv, it said that your lucky item today is a bird that's closest to you. I told you it had to be a bird, so I'll go with you to take a picture. No objections! " Chika demanded.

" Oh, really? Then let's do that. By the way, you look like a frustrated monkey. " Satoshi nodded, " Ah, maybe a sparrow. "

" AAAAHHHH! " Chika screamed in frustration as he began to smack Satoshi repeatedly. 

" OI! QUIT IT! " Satoshi yelped.

" Oh, Chika? Is it because you wanted to see Takashi's— " at that moment, Honey conveniently popped up.


Chika kicked Honey away, making him land in a tree.


" What's with the ruckus? " Chika whirled around to see Demetria with her hands on her hips, " Chika, don't hurt your brother unnecessarily. "

" Hai...EH? " bowed his head apologetically to Demetria before he finally spotted Mori behind her with his baby chick in the palm of his hand.

" Oh? Taka-nii? What's up? " Satoshi asked excitedly, " Were you about to head out? "

" No, I was planning to show Yasuchika my baby chick... " Mori explained to which Chika seemed to brighten up, " ...but it seems that he isn't interested. "

" WAIT! Taka-nii—! " Chika began to wail, " Wait...baby chick...WAAHHH...UWAAAAHHHH! "

" Ah! What's wrong, Yasuchika? Does your stomach hurt? " Satoshi fretted.

" Yasuchika... " Mori grabbed his hand and opened it up, gently transporting the baby chick in his hand to Chika's, " I'm going to help Mitsukuni out of the tree can you look after it for me? "

Chika's eyes widened as the baby chick in his hand nuzzled its head against his chin.

" PEEP! " it chirped.

" Thanks for always looking after me, Takashi. " Honey smiled as Mori helped him down, " He isn't honest to himself yet. "

" Chika looks more like himself now. " Demetria grinned as she secretly took a picture of Chika smiling happily at the baby chick with Satoshi cheering for him.

" Want a copy? " she winked at Honey who nodded enthusiastically.
" Chika-chan! Takashi has a pet raccoon at his house! " Honey announced.

Aw, I love Chika and his obsession with small animals. It's so cute really.

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