Chapter 24 - Younger Brothers

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" Huh? The door's still locked? I'm not the first one here, am I? It'll look like I'm keen to get started... " Haruhi murmured to herself as she tried to open the door to music room #3.

" Excuse me, are you a member of this club? " a voice called out, " I'm looking for a third year called Haninozika Mitsukuni. "

Haruhi turned to see a boy with golden brown hair and light brown eyes, wearing glasses.

'His uniform seems to be like the summer type of uniform for the middle school section' Haruhi thought, " He doesn't seem to be here yet. He still might be at the 3-A classroom or at the kendo hall? "

" Eh?! Chika-chan? " Honey's voice called out.

The two turned to see Mori approaching with Honey on his back.

" What's up, Chika-chan? You rarely visit the high school section... " Honey wondered.

" Mitsukuni... " Chika pushed up his glasses up the bridge of his nose, " ...engarde! "

Honey immediately jumped off Mori's shoulder as Chika swung a kick at him. Chika clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw Honey land safely on the ground.

" Wh-WHAT?! Wait! WAIT! " Haruhi panicked at the sudden fight.

" Mori-senpai! Do something! " Haruhi urged.

" Hmm? "

" What do you mean 'hmm?' ?! "

" Haninozuka Mitsukuni avoided China's pre-emptive strike with ease! " the twins popping out of nowhere with microphones in their hands commented, " Superb! Looks as if he was dancing on air! Could it be! The modern day ushiwakamari or teeny astronaut? Wow! Chika's back on his feet in zero time and launches his second attack! "

Chika sprinted towards Honey only for his feet to be swept from beneath him.

" And Honey-senpai dodges, sweeping Chika's feet out from beneath him! And now they are grappling! "

Honey and Chika grabbed each other by the shoulders.

" Neither one is giving in, they're violently throwing every move they've got up their sleeves, it's impossible to see anything at their speed. It's all a blur! "

Chika then slid something out from behind him. A staff.

" Oh no! Chika has produced a weapon! " the twins announced cheerfully.

" Hey! Wait a minute...isn't that cheating?! " Haruhi asked.

" Wow, it's been a while...they're really into it... " Tamaki whistled.

" Couldn't they have chosen a better place for this? " Kyoya sighed.

" Tamaki-senpai, Kyoya-senpai, how can you two be so calm?! " Haruhi cried out, astonished.

Chika then sent Honey flying with his weapon.

" And Honey-senpai's sent flying! Could this finally be Chika's first victory? " the twins shouted.

" Finally, I've got you. " Chika panted.

" No, " Mori spoke up, " Mitsukuni won. "

Chika then took notice of his legs pinned down by shuriken, causing him to be unable to move.

Honey was then seen approaching them while dusting himself off, seemingly unharmed.

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