Chapter 2: Addicted

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(Applejack's POV)

It's been weeks and I talked alot with Rarity. Today was a just normal day. Right now I'm at Starbucks with my best friends Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. I took a sip from my cappuccino and I heard my phone turn off.
It was a text from Rarity.


Rares💜: Hey Jackie ❤️

I felt my heart flutter. What is this feeling?

Hello Rares 💜 :Jackie❤️

Rares💜: How are u doing?

I've been doing great now that you're here 😉 :Jackie❤️
U?: Jackie❤️

Rares💜: I'm good 😊

What are you doing? :Jackie❤️

Rares💜:  Just texting you. What are you doing?    

I'm @ Starbucks w/ mah best friends Rainbow Dash and Twilight :Jackie❤️


"Hey Applejack who are you texting?" I heard my best friend, Rainbow Dash say.

"Me? I'm texting nobody..." I lied. I'm obviously a very bad liar.

"Liar" she said and snatched my phone from my hand.

"Hey give it back!" I whined as I tried to take my phone from the rainbow haired girl.

"Who's Rarity?" She asks with a smirk, reading my texts.

"Is she your girlfriend?" My other best friend, Twilight ask.

"No not yet" I said.

" 'not yet' " Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

"Applejack she could be a perverted man behind that screen" Twilight said seriously.

"No she's not. She's real. She has Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat!" I told her as I rolled my eyes.

"Alright if you say so" she said.

"Here's your phone" she gave it back with an evil smirk.

"What did you do this time RD?" I said suspiciously.

"You'll find out" she and Twilight giggled.

I checked my texts to see if she texted Rarity. Unfortunately, she did...


Hey I wondering if you wanted to Face Time later on? :Jackie❤️

Rares💜: Um, sure 😊


"Rainbow fucking Dash!!!" I yelled angrily at her.

"Um I just remembered that I left the stove on... Um see ya!!" She said awkwardly as she ran out the door.

"I just remembered that I was suppose to go to the gym with Bull Biceps..." Twilight said awkwardly.

"What? But you don't even workout!" I yelled.

"Well um bye!" She said as she ran out the door following Rainbow Dash.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair...

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