Chapter 13: The Date

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*3 weeks later*

(Applejack's POV)

Today's the day that I'm finally getting out of the hospital. However, I'm going to use crutches due to my broken leg.

"Take care of yourself Applejack" My doctor, Dr. Whooves said, smiling.

"I will Doc and thank you" I smiled at him. He nodded as we separate our ways. I took the elevator going down to the lobby. The elevator door opened revealing Rainbow Dash on her phone. I made my way to her making her look up at me.

"Hey AJ! How you doing buddy?!" She said in excitement as she gave me a warm hug. I hugged back with one arm patting her back.

"I've been doing okay! How 'bout you?" I asked her, smiling.

"I'm great knowing that you're okay" she winked as she started walking to the parking lot. I rolled my eyes following her far behind. I tried catching up but I was to slow. I'm still not really used to those crutches.

"HEY SLOW THE FUCK DOWN DASH!!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. She turned around and gave me "I'm sorry look" as she ran towards me.

"Sorry, I forgot about your leg" she said scratching the back of her neck. I smiled and rolled my eyes. We then walked all the way to the back of the parking lot.

"Godamn Rainbow where the hell did you park your car?!" I asked her, frustrated.

"It's right there" she said pointing at a blue Lamborghini.

"Damn, how did you get all this money to afford this beauty?" I ask, touching the car

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"Damn, how did you get all this money to afford this beauty?" I ask, touching the car.

She slapped my hand off the car.

"I finally have a job as a Wonderbolt and  we won the race about a week ago and we received tons and tons of money!" She said, proudly.

"Wow that's great! I wish I was there to see there to see you race..." I said sadly. She placed a hand on my shoulder smiling at me.

"We have another race next week and I already bought tickets for you and the rest of the girls" she said. I nodded as she help me go inside the car. My best friend then got in the driver's seat turning on the engine.


We arrived back to my place and it's already night time.

"Here's your crutches" she said as Rainbow Dash handed me my crutches. I took them making my way to the front door. I grabbed the spare key from the 'Welcome' mat and unlocked the front door. The room was dark and I turned the light switch on.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone yelled making me startled. Balloons and confetti were scattered around the house, there was a banner that read "Welcome Home Applejack!", my family, friends and even Rarity is here. Rarity is holding a cake and there was a table for the food.

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