Chapter 8: Problems + A/N

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Hey guys! 👋🏼

Before you proceed on reading the rest of the chapter, I have something to say to you.

Well first of all, my book : My Celebrity Crush just reached 2k views and a total of 233 votes. Thank you so much! (If you haven't read it yet then I suggest you do)

Second of all, just so you know, l will upload the sequel (it's going to be called Better Together) when I almost finish writing the last chapters of this book. If I publish the sequel now it's to much pressure cause I have to upload more chapters on other stories and I have school so yeah. I hope you understand 😊

Lastly, it's not really important but it was my birthday just two days ago lol  🎉

Anyways, you may proceed...


(Applejack's POV)

After lunch with Rarity, I walked her home so that she can finish making her dresses before the fashion show. Right now, I'm looking for the perfect gift for her. Should I buy her a dress? Nah, she already knows how to make one anyway. Maybe a card? Nope.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket. I checked the caller ID and it was Rainbow Dash. Hm I wonder what she wants. I slid my finger to the right on the screen to answer the call.

"Hey Dash what do you need?" I asked her.

"Hey AJ where are you?" She asked me.

"Well I'm looking for a gift for Rarity it's her birthday tomorrow. I don't know what to get her do you have any ideas?" I told my best friend.

"Bring her on a date" she suggested.

"I already did this afternoon" I said through the phone.

"That's just a lunch date. Bring her on a real date like a restaurant or something. Why don't you ask her to be her girlfriend?" She asked me through the phone as I sat down on a bench.

"W-what if she d-doesn't like m-me back?" I stuttered. I heard her sighed and she said,

"Stop being oblivious Applejack! Did you see how she looks at you? Rarity looks at you like you're the only person that matters to her. She pretty much laughs at every joke you say even though their not really funny. She texts you everyday and one time, Fluttershy told me that your contact name on her phone was "My Baby" with the emoji with heart eyes. She fucking likes you and you like her back! So ask Rarity to be your girlfriend!"

Rainbow Dash is right. It's probably time to ask Rarity.

"You're right meet me at my place asap" I said. We said our goodbyes and ended the call.

I then ran all the way home.


Rainbow Dash and I are practicing of how I'm going to ask Rarity to be my girlfriend in my room.

"Okay so first of all we have to plan the date. So where do you want your date to be located?" She asked me sitting on the bed.

"Hmm what about the park?" I suggested.

"Okay then what are you gonna do in the park?" She asked me writing the idea down on a paper.

"Well i've had an idea that maybe..."


"Okay so now that you've planned your date, it's time to practice to ask the big question" my best friend told me.

"Okay so pretend that I'm Rarity. Now ask me to be your girlfriend" she said.

(Rarity's POV)

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight and I arrived at Applejack's house. I knocked on the door and it opened revealing a little girl around 8 years old. It's probably Applejack's little sister, Applebloom.

"Hello how may I help you" she asked.

"Hello there is Applejack home" I asked her as I crouched down to her level.

"She's upstairs in her room with Rainbow Dash" she said as she let us inside the house. We thanked her and headed our way to her room. The door was slightly open and voices were heard. I peeked through the door hearing what the voices were saying. Those voices... they belong to Applejack and Rainbow Dash...

"I'm in love with you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You are beautiful and you mean everything to me. Without you, I'm nothing. We've known each other for a long time and the question is that will you be my girlfriend?" She asked Rainbow.

My heart broke into a million pieces. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Why would she do this to me? I guess Applejack never loved me then...

I'm angry, sad and disappointed.

"Applejack what's wrong with you?!" I yelled angrily as I barged into the room.

"Rarity?!" Both girls said surprised.

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