Chapter 6: Surprise!

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(Rarity's POV)

"Rarity wake up" I heard Pinkie Pie said while shaking me trying to wake me up.

"Five more minutes Pinkie" I mumbled placing a pillow on my face.

"Come on! Fluttershy made breakfast and I'm hungry!" she exclaimed. I still didn't move though.

"Today's the day that you're suppose to surprise Applejack remember?" She reminded me.

I got up instantly and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I heard my best friend giggle behind me but i didn't care. After the quick shower, I was still deciding what to wear for today.

"Oh come on Rarity! You brought a lot of clothes to Ponyville and yet you still can't decide what to wear!" Pinkie Pie whined. This girl is really getting on my nerves...

I rolled my eyes. I put on a black and white stripe t-shirt, blue denim jean shorts and black converse shoes. I applied a little bit of makeup and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Here's your breakfast Rarity. Enjoy" Fluttershy said with a smile on her face as she handed me a plate of grilled cheese sandwich. I took a bite.

"This is really good" I said taking another bite of my food.

"Thanks" she said, proud of herself. I quickly finished eating my breakfast and went to go brush my teeth. After that, my best friends and I went outside the hotel calling for a taxi.

The taxi came a few minutes later. I hopped in the passenger seat while my best friends hopped in the back.

"Where to ladies?" The taxi driver asked.

"Sweet Apple Acres" I responded. He then drived us to Sweet Apple Acres.

Once we arrived, we payed the driver and made our way to a house that is next to the barn.

I knocked on the door slightly nervous. My palms are sweating and my heart was beating really fast. The door opened revealing a lady around her 80's.

"Hello there lovely ladies. What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Um is Applejack here by any chance?" I asked her.

"Uh yeah she's working right now" she said.

"Oh maybe we'll come back later..." I said awkwardly.

"Can you call her for us?" My best friend, Fluttershy asked beside me. I glared at her.

"Sure" the lady said with a smile.

"APPLEJACK YOU HAVE SOME VISITORS WHO WANT TO SEE YOU!!" The old lady yelled from the top of her lungs.

"WE'RE COMING GRANNY!" Applejack yelled. Gosh how I missed her voice...

"What's wrong Granny?" I heard the cow girl say behind me. I turned around facing her. Besides her, there was also Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Applejack was wearing blue denim jeans shorts with a brown belt, brown combat boots and black and red flannel revealing her black sports bra and her toned abs while drops of sweat dripping down her face. Gosh, she's so sexy...

"Quit checking her out Rares" Pinkie Pie giggled as Fluttershy closed my mouth.

"Rarity? What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Well I came here to surprise you and also I have a fashion show here as well" I told her.

She hugged me for the first time. I hugged her back wrapping my arms around her neck while her arms around my waist. I felt a million of butterflies in my belly. It feels good finally meeting my online friend after 5 months.

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