Chapter 19: Unexpected Ending...

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(Rarity's POV)

*Few Weeks Later*

It's been a few weeks since I lost my 2 best friends, the break up with Applejack and the time I slept with Fancy Pants. Everyday, I tried to text Applejack but she wouldn't answer. I stopped texting Applejack a few days later after I slept with my boyfriend. And that's when I knew, I had to move on. I'm preparing dinner for me and my boyfriend. He's really busy with work so he's taking a nap. I introduced him to my parents and we bought a house for the two of us.

"Honey dinner is ready!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" He yelled back rushing down the stairs.

A/N: That's what she said 😏😏😏

I took an empty bowl and poured the soup I made and I gave it to Fancy Pants. I did the same thing to my bowl and sat down across him.

"So how was work?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"It was good" he responded.


After dinner, I went to our bedroom and changed to my night gown. My boyfriend came into the bedroom only with his boxers on. He always sleeps with his boxers, even in winter. He walked towards me and pecked my lips. He grabbed my ass and I moaned.

I felt a weird sensation from my stomach and I rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet bowl.

"Baby are you ok?!" He asks worriedly pulling my hair up and patting my back.

"No shit Sherlock..." I said and threw up in the toilet bowl.

"Come on I'll bring you to he hospital" he told me and picked me up bridal style.


We arrived at the hospital in a jiffy and we talked to the lady behind the desk.

"Hello how can I help you?" She asked.

"My girlfriend threw up a few minutes ago. Is it possible to see a doctor?" My boyfriend asked the woman.

"Uh yeah sure. Go to room 69" she told us and we took the elevator to the second floor. We entered the room to be greeted by a doctor.

"Hello my name is Bulk Biceps and what seems to be the problem?" He asked shaking our hands.

"My girlfriend threw up back at home" Fancy Pants said to the doctor.

"Hmmm ok" he continued, "I would like you to go to the bathroom an pee in the cup" he ordered me and gave me a plastic cup. I nodded my head in response and went o the bathroom and do my business in the cup.

Once I was done, I gave the cup back to the doctor with my urine inside.

"Please wait here while I examine this" he told us and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, he arrived back in the room and sat down in his chair.

"What seems to be the problem doctor?" I ask him.

"You're pregnant..."

A/N: Cliffhanger!!! And that's the end of the story! Thank you so much for reading, voting and for the comments. Can we hit 60 followers?! Anyways, the sequel of my other book is going to be out soon so stay tuned! Um I have  2 new stories I want to write. A Twipie fanfic and a series of adventure books of The Mane 6. The problem is i don't have a plot. If you have a plot please DM me!

Thanks a lot for your support! 😘

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