Chapter 3: FaceTime

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(Rarity's POV)


Jackie❤️: Hey I wondering if you would like to Face Time later on?

Um, sure 😊 :Rares💜


I read Applejack's text like about twenty times already. My heart was beating so fast like it was about to explode!

"Ooo, Rarity is gonna FaceTime her crush soon!" I heard my best friend Pinkie Pie squealed behind me.

"Ow my eardrums" I flinched.

"Sorry..." she apologized.

"How did you even get inside my house?" I asked my friend.

"I have my own ways" she giggled.

I heard the doorbell rang and I went downstairs to open the door Pinkie Pie following me. I opened the door revealing my other best friend Fluttershy outside my porch. She went inside my house without any warning taking a seat on my couch.

"Well hello to you too Fluttershy" I giggled. She headed towards the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Gurl, you have nothing to eat" she said. I never seen Fluttershy act like this before. Weird.

I checked the fridge myself and there was lots of food inside.

"What do you mean? Look there are lots of food inside" I said to her.

"Hey Rarity I'm gonna go order pizza!" I heard Pinkie Pie yell from the living room.

"Alright" me and Fluttershy said at the same time as we headed to the living room. When Pinkie Pie finished ordering the pizza, we talked about school till Applejack.

"Hey Shy guess what? Rarity is gonna FaceTime Applejack later on" Pinkie Pie smirked.

"Can we join you Rarity? I want to see her face and to see if she's the right one for you" Fluttershy suggested. Fluttershy is sometimes overprotective but we're like sisters you know?

I nodded my head in response and decided to text Applejack.


Hey, is it okay if my friends join us in FaceTime? :Rares💜

Jackie❤️: Sure I don't mind cause my friends are joining too

Do you want to FaceTime now? :Rares💜

Jackie❤️: Sure 😊


Oh my Celestia. I'm so nervous right now that my palms are sweating. I think I'm faint right now.

"Do I look alright?" I said while fixing my hair.

"For the last time Rarity you look fine!" Said Pinkie Pie. I opened the FaceTime app on my phone and called Applejack. She answered the call revealing her beautiful self, a rainbow haired girl with magenta eyes and a girl with purple hair with a pink streak and purple eyes. They all looked beautiful.

"Hiya there Rarity. These are my friends, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle" Applejack said in her country voice. Omg Her voice...

"Hi Applejack. These are my friends Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy" I introduced them.

"Let's play 20 questions!" I heard Pinkie Pie yell next to me.

"Sure" Twilight giggled.

"Alright who's taken and who's single?" Asked Pinkie Pie as she wiggle her eyebrows at me. I blushed.

"I'm single" said Applejack. I sighed in relief.

"I'm taken" said Twilight. I saw Pinkie Pie's face drop. She probably has a crush on Twilight.

"I'm single" said Rainbow Dash. I saw Fluttershy smile beside me.

"How about you girls?" Asked Applejack.

"We're all single" I responded.

She just nodded her head with a smile on her face as we continued the game.

I'm falling for her and I hope she catches me...

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