Chapter 15: My New Friend

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*2 days later*

(Rarity's POV)

I woke up from the smell of delicious pancakes coming from the kitchen. I took off my purple sleep mask, fixed my bed and brushed my hair. I then went downstairs and saw a plate full of my favourite breakfast on the counter and a note was beside it. I took the note reading it.

Good morning Rarity

Your dad and I are at work and your sister is at school. NO PARTIES!

We'll be back at noon.

Stay safe sweetie ❤️


Mom xoxo

I placed the note back on the counter and started eating my breakfast.


It's already 10:00 am and I'm heading my way to Starbucks by bus. My car broke down yesterday and my dad he's a mechanic, he's fixing my car in his garage. I'm waiting in the bus stop waiting for the bus. Within a few minutes, the bus came. It opened the doors and I went inside the vehicle. I put the money in the fare box and took my ticket out of the ticket printer.

Next, I need to find a seat.. The seats were taken in the front so I walked my way to the back of the bus. Luckily, there was a seat next to a man with blue hair and moustache. He looked pretty handsome. Wait what am I saying?! I already have a girlfriend!

"Hey do you mind if I sit here?" I asked him. He looked at me with his crystal blue eyes which were really pretty.

"Uh y-yeah sure I don't mind" he stuttered giving me a smile. I smiled back sitting next to him.

"So where are you heading to?" He asked me, starting a conversation.

"Oh I'm going to Starbucks" I told him, removing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh I'm heading over there too!" He gave me a toothless smile which I find very cute. Stop thinking like this Rarity. YOU. ALREADY. HAVE. A. GIRLFRIEND.

"So what's your name beautiful?" He asked. I blushed at the compliment and replied, "My name is Rarity. What about you handsome?" I smirked.

"The name's Fancy Pants" he smirked back. Before I could say something else, he jumped out of his seat and said, "Here's our stop let's go" he grabbed my hand and we went out of the bus. Once we were out of the bus it was already raining heavily.

"Here put this on" he said handing me his coat.

"What about you? You're gonna get sick. You take it" i protested handing him his jacket.

"It's alright. Starbucks is not far from here" he told me. I finally gave in so I put his jacket on and we ran to Starbucks.

We entered the café in a jiffy. I ordered a Caramel Macchiato and he ordered a Cappuccino.

"I'll pay" he said giving the money to the cashier.

"Keep the change" he told the cashier. He's so sweet he reminds me of Applejack.

"Next time I'll pay" I told him.

"Oh so there's a next time?" He smirked as I blushed.

"Yes there will be a next time" I smirked back.

"You know, you're cute when you blush" he said giving me a smile. I blushed even more and looked down at the floor.

"Don't hide your beautiful face" he flirted.

"Shut up!" I blushed even more than before and laughed slightly.

He just chuckled and we continued drinking as we talked about ourselves.

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