Chapter 14: Beach Day?

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*2 days later*

(Applejack's POV)

Today is the final day before Rarity and her friends return to Canterlot. So for the last day, we're gonna go to the beach. I packed the necessary stuff I need to go to the beach and hopped in my jeep and picked up the rest of the girls at Sugar Cube Corner.

I arrived at the shop within 5 minutes and parked my jeep in the parking lot. I push the door open of the sugar bowl to be greeted by the smell of sweets. Rarity and the rest of my friends are sitting on the table in the back drinking milkshakes. I walked towards them and sat beside my girlfriend.

"Hey Applejack" my friends greeted me in unison. I waved back intertwining my hand in Rarity's. She rest her head on my shoulder sipping her vanilla milkshake.

"Here AJ we saved this for you" Pinkie Pie told me handing me a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

"Thanks" I said taking a sip of the drink enjoying the taste of the sweet milkshake.

We talked and drank milkshakes for 5 minutes until it's time to leave to go to the beach.

As I stepped outside of the Sugar Cube Corner, the sun flashing through my eyes, I quickly put my sunglasses on. I hopped inside my jeep the others following behind me.

"I call shotgun!" My girlfriend yelled sitting on the passenger seat. The others sitting in the back. I buckled my seatbelt while the others did the same and turned on the engine driving to the highway.

"Turn left then straight ahead" the GPS said. I did what the GPS had told me. I drived straight ahead and in the distance I see traffic. Oh great...

I pressed my foot on the pedal making the car stop as cars drived slowly from the land beside me. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel of the beat of the song from the radio.

"Can you turn up the volume I absolutely love this song!" Rainbow Dash yelled from the back. I put on the volume on full blast and opened the windows.


It's been 20 Minutes and it feels like we haven't moved 1 centimeter. I tapped my fingers on the wheel impatiently glancing through the mirror to see my friends sleeping, leaning against each other. I glanced at Rarity beside me to see her sleeping peacefully. She was snoring slightly which I kinda find it cute.

The car behind me honked impatiently as I pressed on the gas pedal the car moving to the end of the highway.


It's been 10 minutes and there's no more traffic! According to the GPS, we almost arrived at the beach. Probably just a few more meters from here and we'll arrive there soon.

"Applejack?" I heard Pinkie Pie mumble from the back.

I hummed in response focusing on the road.

"I need to go pee..." her voiced cracked at the end. I sighed and searched for the nearest gas station. A few minutes later, we finally arrived at a gas station and Pinkie Pie practically hopped out of the car in a jiffy to go to the baths and pee. While she's at it, I decided to put gas while the others decided to buy some sweets or refreshments.

Once everyone was back in the car, I sped off the GPS guiding our way to the beach.


Ah we finally arrived at the beach! We took our stuff from the trunk and ran towards the beach. I took off my clothes my bathing suit underneath. It was a black bikini top revealing my abs and red swimming trunks. I took my hat and glasses off putting them inside my duffel bag and ran towards the water my girlfriend behind me.

She was wearing her black bikini revealing her stoned stomach and big butt. She splashed some water on my face as I squealed loudly. I did the same to her as she wraps her hands around my neck pressing her lips against mine. It was a passionate kiss until things started to get heated. I licked her lower lip asking for entrance but she refuses. I squeezed her butt slightly making her moan and my chance to put my tongue inside her mouth. She then pulled away walking out of the water to dry herself off.

"Fucking tease..." I mumbled walking out of the water to go play volleyball with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie while Rarity joins Fluttershy and Twilight tanning.


It's now 6:30 and the sun is starting to set but suddenly, it started to rain heavily. We ran towards my car and hopped inside, and I turned on the engine driving our way to the airport.

We arrived at the airport within 10 minutes since the airport is not that far from the beach. We entered the airport and said our goodbyes.

"Goodbye Applejack it was nice hanging out with you and take care" Fluttershy said softly giving me a warm hug.

"Thank you and you too" I told her.

"Take good care of Rarity. If you ever hurt her I will come here and beat your ass up" Pinkie Pie warned me. "But then again, it was nice seeing you hope to see you soon" this time she said sweetly.

I chuckled, "it was nice seeing you too Pinkie. And yes, I will take care of Rarity I love her with all my heart and I will never hurt her." I said honestly.

She gave me a friendly hug and went her way to say goodbye to Twilight.

"Hey Applejack" My girlfriend mumbled beside me.

"Hey Rares" I said smiling.

"How are we going to handle a long distance relationship?" She asked fumbling with her fingers looking at the floor.

"I will text and FaceTime you everyday" I told her holding her hand.

"Promise?" She asked.

"Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" I Pinkie Pie promise.

Without a word she pressed her lips against mine, kissing me passionately.

"Ew we're in the airport girls!" Twilight teased causing some people to look at us strangely.

"Well I guess this is goodbye" Rarity said pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah I'll miss you..." I told her as she pulled out of the hug.

"I'll miss you too" my girlfriend said as she walked away with her friends.

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