Chapter 9: Troubles

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Previously on My Online Girlfriend....

I peeked through the door hearing what the voices were saying. Those voices... they belong to Applejack and Rainbow Dash...

"I'm in love with you ever since I laid my eyes on you. You are beautiful and you mean everything to me. Without you, I'm nothing. We've known each other for a long time and the question is that will you be my girlfriend?" She asked Rainbow.

My heart broke into a million pieces. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Why would she do this to me? I guess Applejack never loved me then...

I'm angry, sad and disappointed.

"Applejack what's wrong with you?!" I yelled angrily as I barged into the room.

"Rarity?!" Both girls said surprised.

(Applejack's POV)

As Rarity barged in my room, she had tears in her eyes. She looked really angry.

"R-Rarity I-i can e-explain" i stuttered. She slapped me in the face leaving a red mark. My eyes started to water and I started to sob.

"R-Rares I-"

Another slap. I just received another slap from the girl of my dreams.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE CALL ME RARES!" She yelled angrily as she stormed off wiping the tears from her face.

It's not over yet though... Fluttershy stormed in the room tears in her eyes with an angry expression and approached us. I closed my eyes getting ready to get slapped but instead she slapped Rainbow Dash.

"I thought you loved me Rainbow Dash! You said you fucking loved me! You fucking liar!!" She yelled angrily as she slapped my best friend again. I was shocked not only cause Fluttershy cursed but I actually didn't know they we're dating.

"And you!" She said facing towards me. She slapped me really hard leaving a red mark on my other cheek.

"I you dare fucking hurt my best friend again, I'm going to find you and beat the hell out of you!!" She yelled. And with that she stormed out of the room.

Next came in Pinkie Pie. She was angry but no tears in her eyes. She came toward us rolling up her sleeves. She punched me in the face leaving me a black eye and pushed me to the ground. She pushed Rainbow Dash to the wall and punched her in the stomach.

"You both don't deserve Fluttershy nor Rarity!" She stormed out of the room slamming the door shut. I groaned standing up and walked over to my hurt best friend.

"Girls what just happened?" Came in, Twilight. I didn't say a word and helped Rainbow Dash on stand on her feet. I ran towards Twilight and cried on her shoulder.

"Tell me what happened. From the beginning"

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