Chapter 5: Making My Way To See You

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•5 months later•

(Rarity's POV)

It's been five months since I met Applejack and my crush on her grew even stronger than before. This coming Saturday, there will be a fashion show in Ponyville and that's where my crush lives. I've been planning to surprise her on that very day. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy will be coming with me to Ponyville to support me in the fashion show and surprising Applejack.

Right now, I'm packing my bags getting ready to go to the airport with my best friends.

"I'm going to miss you big sis" I heard my little sister, Sweetiebelle whimper behind me.

I turned around to look at her and she had tears in her eyes. My heart broke at the sight of my sister being sad. I crouched down to her level and gave her a warming hug.

"It's okay Sweetiebelle I'll be back soon" I whispered in her ear. She broke the hug and wiped the tears sliding down her cheeks. I heard a car honk meaning it's time to leave.

I went downstairs my sister following behind me.

"Have a safe flight Rarity" my mother said to me. She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

"Don't forget to bring back home that trophy!" My dad told me as he gave me a hug lifting me up. I giggled as he put me down.

"Don't forget to behave while I'm gone okay Sweetiebelle?" I asked her.

"Okay" my 8 year old sister hugged my waist as I kissed her forehead. I opened the door and exit the house. I made my way to the car but I turned around and waved goodbye to my family. They waved back. I put my suitcases in the trunk and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Hey Rarity what's up?!" Pinkie Pie yelled in excitement while driving. I suddenly have second thoughts of her taking the wheel.

"The sky" I joked. Fluttershy just giggled while Pinkie Pie was laughing uncontrollably. Is she high or something?

"I'm not high Rares. I'm just really excited to go to Ponyville" Pinkie Pie giggled. Oops, I probably said that out loud.

"Why? To see your girlfriend Twilight?" Fluttershy teased. I giggled. I love sassy Fluttershy sometimes.

"Shut up! Besides, she already have a boyfriend so there's no chance of me being in a relationship with Twilight" Pinkie faked smiled.

"Don't get your hopes up Pinkie. Who knows, maybe the couple will separate" I told her.


"Ah we finally made it" I said as we stepped off the plane. We went inside a taxi to go to a hotel. Once we arrived at the hotel, I payed and we entered inside the place.

"Hello we would like a room for three please" I told the lady behind the desk.

"Room 123 second floor" she said as she handed me the keys. I thanked her and we entered the elevator. As I was about to press the button to the second floor, Pinkie Pie exclaimed,

"Rarity can I please press the button?!"

"Sure" I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I feel like I'm with a 5 year old. Good thing nobody is here inside the elevator besides us. She pressed the button and the elevator started going up. The doors opened and we exited the elevator. I opened the room with the keys and we entered the hotel room. I decided to surprise Applejack tomorrow since we're really tired.

My mouth hanged open at how the room is so beautiful. It had white walls, brown carpet floor, three twin sized beds with white sheets and white pillows, a window on the far right with grey curtains, a painting right next to it and two nightstands and on each nightstand has a lamp. (Picture above)

I change into my purple pjs and hopped on the bed in the middle. Pinkie Pie hopped on the bed on the right with her cupcake onesie and Fluttershy hopped on the bed to the left with her white tank top and yellow shorts. I pulled my sheets over my body and let the sleep take over me.

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