Chapter 11: I'm Sorry...

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(Applejack's POV)

"You didn't tell me they were gonna be here!!" I whispered-yelled.

"We didn't know!" My best friends yelled in unison earning glances from other customers. Rarity and her friends sat down right across from our table. Rarity haves bags under her eyes and it looks like she's been crying. Her makeup is all ruined and her hair is all tangled up. Once her eyes finally met mine, her face dropped and she made her way to the washroom crying.

"Um I have to go to the bathroom..." I told my best friends. They nodded their heads and I went to the bathroom. I pushed the bathroom door open revealing a crying Rarity curled up into a ball. I walked over to her slowly and wrapped my arms around her cold body.

"Don't fucking touch me you heart breaker!!" She yelled making me startled.

"For the last time I'm sorry!!" I yelled back tears forming in my eyes.


"Sorry is not enough, you moron! I fucking loved for fucks sakes Applejack! I had feelings for you ever since the first day you texted me by accident! But now, you're with your stupid girlfriend Rainbow fucking Dash!" She yelled balling her fists.

"I'm not in a relationship with Rainbow Dash! She just helped me to confess me love to you! I was going to bring you on a date on the day on your birthday and to ask you to be my girlfriend! She was just trying to help me!" I yelled defending my best friend as I ran out of the bathroom.

"Applejack, wait!!"

"Applejack what's wrong?" Dash asked worriedly.

"Why are you crying?" Twilight asked worried.

I just ignored them and ran out of the restaurant. I wanna go home but Rainbow Dash has the car keys. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and my heart was beating rapidly.
I started to breathe rapidly.

No not a panic attack. Not here not now.

I wasn't looking where I was going as I was crossing the street but then a car suddenly hit me.

I fell to the ground my vision started to get blurry.

"Fuck Applejack!" Someone yelled. I think that's Fluttershy.

"Applejack can you hear me?!" That voice belonged to Twilight.

"Someone call 911!" Pinkie Pie...

"You should watch where your driving you dickface!" Someone yelled angrily. That must be Rainbow Dash.

"I love you Applejack... Please be okay..." Rarity mumbled.

I love you too Rarity...

I then blacked out.

A/N: Dun Dun Dun! Cliffhanger! 😝 What do you think gonna happen next?

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