Chapter 7: Lunch Date

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(Applejack's POV)


Hey u there? :AJ❤️

Hello? :AJ❤️

Wake the fuck up! :AJ❤️

Rarity where u at?! :AJ❤️

Rares💜: What's wrong?

Good morning to you too 👋🏼 :AJ❤️

Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to go out for lunch with me at Sugar Cube Corner at noon? :AJ❤️

Rares💜: Are you asking me out on a date? 😏

Maybe 😏 :AJ❤️

Rares💜: Alright I'll see you there 😚

Ok see u babe :AJ❤️


I mentally slapped myself. Shit I just called her babe! What if she thinks I'm weird? Calm the fuck down Applejack... Keep yourself together!

I went downstairs to see Granny Smith placing an apple pie inside the oven.

"Good morning Granny!" I greeted her with a smile plastered on my face.

"Good morning dear. Your breakfast is on the counter" she told me as she pointed to the counter right next to me. I grabbed the bowl of apple porridge and started eating a spoonful of my breakfast. I don't really like porridge but this is good.

Once I was done eating, I placed the bowl in the sink and went upstairs to change. But first, I need to go take a quick shower. After that, I opened my dresser and put on my blue and black flannel, a sleeveless dark blue shirt, my ripped skinny jeans, blue converse, my black snap back, my necklace and my ray bans with no lenses. I checked the time and it was already 11:45. I guess I took a long shower instead of a quick one...

 I guess I took a long shower instead of a quick one

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(Applejack's outfit 👆🏼)

I went back downstairs and yelled,

"Granny I'm going out with Rarity!"

"Okay but be here before supper and don't forget to use protection!" She joked at the last part.

I chuckled. I went outside and walked all the way to Sugar Cube Corner.


I entered the place and I looked for Rarity. She was sitting in the left corner next to the window. Her back was facing me so I decided to surprise her. I tip toed my way to her and covered her eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" I whispered in her ear.

"Is it Applejack?" She giggled. I uncovered my hands from her eyes and she stood up and gave me a warm hug. I broke the hug and checked her out. She is wearing a minty green blouse all buttoned up, white denim shorts with a brown belt, minty green heels making her slightly taller than me, minty green and golden wrist bracelet, a brown purse and her sunglasses placed on her head. Her hair was braided making her look so cute. She even applied a little bit of makeup.

 She even applied a little bit of makeup

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(Rarity's outfit 👆🏼)

"Take a picture it'll last longer" she said seductively and winked at me as she sat down on the chair next to the window. I blushed and sat down in front of her.

"I just can't staring at how beautiful you are..." I told her and winked. Now it was her turn to blush. Rarity was about to say something but she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey what a coincidence to see you guys here!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Pinkie? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I work here silly!" She giggled uncontrollably.

"Since when did you work here?" I asked her.

"When we arrived at Ponyville, I was looking for a job and I ended up here in this amazing place!" She told me.

"Anyways, what do you girls want to order?" Pinkie Pie asked us.

"Do you sell ice cream here?" Rarity asked her.

"Yes we do! We sell anything that is sweet!" The waitress told her as she handed us the menus.

"Okay then I'll have a Tin Roof Sundae please" Rarity said. Pinkie Pie wrote it down on her notebook and waited for my order.

"I'll have a Dusty Road Sundae please" she nodded and wrote it on her notebook.

"Okay your sundaes will be here soon" Pinkie Pie told us and left.

"Guess what?" The girl in front of me asked.

"What?" I asked her.

"It's my birthday tomorrow!" She said excitedly jumping slightly on her chair.

Shoot! It's her birthday tomorrow and I completely forgot about it! What should I get her?

"Really happy birthday in advance!" I said with a smile on my face. She thanked me and Pinkie arrived with our sundaes. She placed them on the table and said,

"Enjoy your meal girls!"

We thanked her and she left to take another order from a customer. We started eating our sundaes and talked about anything. I still have to think about her birthday present...


A/N: Hey guys how are y'all doing? Sorry for not updating lately... I had a lot of exams this month so I don't have time to write. I had to write this late at night and upload it the next day. So here it is! Once again sorry for keeping you waiting! Love you! ❤️

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