Chapter 10: Unexpected Visitors

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*1 Week Later...*

(Applejack's POV)

It's been a week. A fucking week! I heard that Rarity lost the fashion contest all because of me! If only she knew that my best friend was just helping me confess my love to her. I've been texting her and calling her nonstop for the past 4 days but I eventually gave up since there is no way Rarity is gonna text me back. My best friends would often visit me to see if I'm alright and stuff. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were secretly dating which I'm kinda surprised about. But now, they don't talk anymore like they used to do. (Lol I know this is not the right moment but I just had to 😭). I really don't know the relationship between Twilight and Pinkie Pie but I'm gonna ask Twilight when she comes visit soon.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and my black eye is starting to heal. I didn't comb my hair nor shower. I started to eat less and I would often stay in my room. It's obvious that I now have depression. I went downstairs to see my best friends talking to my granny in the kitchen.

"Oh my Celestia! Applejack you look worst since the past few days!" Twilight said once she saw me. My best friends came towards me and gave me a tight hug but quickly pulled away.

"Ew dude I know your depressed but you should really take a shower!" She said with a disgusted face. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch turning on the TV watching my favourite show.

"AJ you have to eat breakfast before TV" my granny said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not hungry..." I mumbled.

"C'mon AJ do you want to go eat breakfast outside?" Rainbow asked me. I guess It wouldn't hurt to eat outside and besides I am kinda hungry...

"Sure..." I mumbled forcing a smile. They smiled back as we hopped inside Rainbow Dash's car. The rainbow haired girl turned on the engine and drove off.

"So where do you wanna eat?" Twilight asked, sitting in the backseat.

"What about The Good Fork? I heard that it's not far from here" I told her.

"Oh yeah I know that place! It's really good there!" Rainbow Dash said in excitement. She turned on the car signal and turned to the right. I can see the restaurant from here.

My best friend parked the car infront of the restaurant and turned off the engine. We hopped out of the car and entered The Good Fork. We sat down next to the table.

"Hello my name is Starlight Glimmer and i will be your waitress today" the waitress said. She gave us our menus. Once we ordered, the waitress walked away taking an order from another customer.

Soon the waitress came back with our food. She handed me a plate with scrambled eggs and sausages on the side and apple juice. The waitress handed a plate to Rainbow Dash filled with scrambled eggs and bacon on the side with milk and Twilight just ordered grilled cheese with chocolate milk.

When we started eating, visitors came inside the restaurant. And you wouldn't believe me who it was.

Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie...

A/N: Cliffhanger! Just so you guys know, I won't be uploading for a few days due to exams coming this week. 😭

Have a good night!

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