6- The New kid

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# 4 months later #

It was midday, the time when the boys feed, and when I say 'feed' I mean go hunting. For blood.

I was seated cross legged up on the kitchen bench flicking boredly through a book I found in my room earlier, I sighed as my eyes scanned across the pages not reading but, just looking at the words.

"Micah?" I heard Luhan's voice.

"in the kitchen!" I called back, turning the page.

Since the little accident between Luhan and I we had began to forget about it and focus on our relation ship as friends. We were now considered pretty close, no not in that way, I didn't have any romantic feelings towards him at all.

I looked up as he entered the kitchen, looking to his right before looking in my direction, he smiled and walked up to me. The kitchen bench was in an L shape and I sat just to the right of the corner, where he leant back on the straight diagonally to me. His arms folded over his chest and he cleared his throat. I looked up boredly from the book and towards him, tilting my head slightly.

"we're going out." He said.

"huh?" I said confused. I think I took that the wrong way.

"the boys and I are going out." He said. I mentally sighed in relief.

"oh. Where?"
He looked at me with a sort of embarrassed smile on his face.

"for lunch..." He dragged


"it's our time of the day to, you know, Hybrid stuff," He finally said.
"and if we're going to have a human, may I add a pretty one too, living under the same roof it's better if our needs are satisfied." He admitted.

I grimly smiled in understanding, and to hide the pinch of redness on my cheeks. I swung myself off the bench landing cleanly in front of him. "well off you go then." I said.

He looked at me with his eyebrows drawn. I sighed and went behind him, I put my hands on his back and started pushing him towards the front door, where the other boys were already waiting. With an amused laugh he let me push him to the door, when we reached it I finally shoved him out of the door, making him stumble down the stairs.

"see you guys soon." I said and smiled innocently at Luhan who was playfully glaring at me.

I raised my hand to wave good bye but stopped with it half way in the air, remembering that werewolf's didn't say good bye too each other. It was considered an insult, like saying that they wern't ever coming back. They looked back, alerted by my action. Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked back to me.

"it doesn't feel right, not saying goodbye." I whispered. They chuckled, Chanyeol hugged me in farewell and Baekhyn kissed my cheek briefly.

"we'll be back for dinner." Baekhyun said with a smile before running back down the stairs. I watched as they jogged to catch up with the others.

I leant against the door frame and watched them walk into the forest, apparently Kyungsoo, Taeil, and Zico had gone out before and the rest of them had just left now. Apart from Jaehyo, B-bomb and Yukwon who were apparently still asleep.
Late sleepers.

I pushed off and away from the wooden door and decided to explore the house more, I had spent the last few months in my room, the kitchen and living area so far. I mean of course I had been else where in the house, but I hadn't expored in detail. I slowly walked down the hall and looked in the first room, I saw a bathroom with a bath and all, next; a room with targets up. I walked in, curious, and flicked the switch at the side, the lights sparked and then lit up. My eyes widened, all along the side wall weapons appeared from the darkness.
Pistols, bows, swords, daggers and whips.

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