Chapter 4

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Tell me in the comments if you want this to be continued. And thanks for almost 200 reads!(: I love you all so much!

Sangwoo POV:

The man pushed us out of the mall entrance into the parking lot. I grabbed (Y.N)'s hand and kept her close to me as the guy scoffed and pushed the gun barrel more into my head. I winced and (Y.N) gave him an angered look. I heard sirens in the distance and lost a shed of my worry. The man groaned and pushed the barrel even more into my head and I winced and groaned. 

"Where the hell is your car?" He asked.

"Over here." (Y.N) said non-expressively and lead him to my car.

We arrived one minute later to our car and he stuck out his hand and I reluctantly gave him my keys. He motioned for me and (Y.N) to get in the car. We got in the back seat and he sat in the front and put the keys in the ignition.

He drove with one hand and the other hand containing the gun aimed at me in the back seat. I scoffed and laid back in my seat. He turned around and gave me a ugly look. I stared at him and he turned back around to keep his eyes on the road. 

As he was driving he turned on the radio. A very old, annoying song came on. 

"The hell is your problem punk?" He asked after a few minutes. "With your attitude." He scoffed and shook his head then looked in the mirror to look at me. "It's gonna get you killed." I scoffed again and looked away from his face in the mirror and he chuckled. "By me." 

"The hell is your problem?" "You have no reason to do this." I said to the man. He laughed and slammed the steering wheel very hard. 

(Y.N) whimpered and elbowed me. She mouthed to me.

Sangwoo shut up. I don't want him to kill you. If he does he's killing me too.

No I got this we will get out of this just trust me okay?  I mouthed back to her.

(Y.N) nodded and she latched her arm with mine and I smiled at her. I knew I was gonna get her out of here. The man looked at us and chuckled to himself. "Love makes you stupid." He said. "Then you must've been loved a lot." I said to the man. (Y.N) whimpered again and shook my arm.

"Kid, you better shut up." "Or I won't hesitate." "I will kill you." He said and turned off the radio. Thank god. That music sucks. I thought to myself. 

"Um, excuse me?" "What's your name?" "What do you want with us?" (Y.N) asked after a few minutes of silence. I looked at her and she kept looking towards the man in the front seat. 

"I'm Sebastian." "But call me "Mister." "I hate the name Sebastian." He slammed the steering wheel again. "Stupid mother!" "Naming me after father!" "Look at what happened to you!" "It's his fault!" "And you name me after him?!" He yelled looking around impatiently. 

"What do I want with you eh?" "Well let's see...." "A lot of things." "First, I want to kill that prick, he's stupid and he's gonna make me do things I don't want to." He gestured to me and I balled my fists and (Y.N) gently put her hand on my fists and kept me from doing anything. "But the other stuff I want with you..." He looked in the mirror and we looked back at him. "That's a secret." 

(Y.N) sat back in her seat and laid on my shoulder. "I don't feel like dying today Sangwoo, but if you die then I will." "If we do die today." "I love you more than anything." "More than myself." "Just know that Sangwoo." She closed her eyes and I rubbed her head. "Fuck this guy." "We are not going to die today." "I love you more than anything as well." "I will get you out of here."  I whispered to her and she sighed. 

We drove for what seemed like forever and I just wanted to jump out of the car with (Y.N). I recognized the place we were at but he turned onto a road I have never been on before. He turned into a secluded driveway and he stopped the car. There was a little shack and it was really beat up with no trespassing signs and beware of dog. I heard what sounded like five dogs. I grabbed (Y.N) and pulled her close to me.  Sebastian walked to our door and opened it. He waved the gun in my face motioning me to get out. I got out with (Y.N) trailing behind me. He opened the broken door to his shack. We walked in and it was disgusting. Broken beer bottles everywhere, it smelled like blood, and guns and knives laid helplessly over the floor. The couches and chairs were ripped and he slept on a cardboard mat with a ripped sheet. 

He opened another broken door leading into a staircase and he walked behind (Y.N) and I watched his movements as he walked behind her. He pushed her into me more and she yelped and I grabbed her before she was able to fall. I gave him a deadly look and he pointed the gun at my nose. "When you look at me like that..." "It really pisses me off ya know?" He said and I pulled (Y.N) in front of me, away from him and he pushed the gun as hard as he could into the nape of my neck I winced in pain and he laughed. "Go downstairs." He said and (Y.N) walked down the stairs with me following behind her. It was a basement with two chairs in front of each other and one single light. 

I looked over and saw a table with a torture set. I pulled (Y.N) so close I could feel her heartbeat, I wouldn't let this monster touch her. He would have to get through me to get to her. (Y.N) whimpered and I felt a strong pressure hit my head and I fell (Y.N) yelped and I could feel myself slowing growing unconscious. "Sangwoo!" I reached out my hand. ".......(Y.N.)......" "Ge-t away..." The last thing I saw was Sebastian walking over to (Y.N) and she fell. Then I was unconscious.  

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