Chapter 8

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Sangwoo POV:

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Sangwoo POV:

I kept shifting in the chair to get to the knife. As I was moving I heard (Y.N) yell. I turned quickly and grunted attempting to shift faster to the knife. She suddenly stopped and I took a deep breath. 

"Ok, you can do this." "She can handle herself." "I'll get out of this chair and then get her and leave this hell-hole." I muttered to myself.

I finally reached the knife and I swayed back and forth to fall over in the chair. I swayed forcefully for about four times and I finally fell forward towards the knife. I fell too close to the knife and it grazed my left cheek.  I lightly winced in pain. I scooted up so that my hand was above the knife. I grabbed it and placed it between the duct tape and my wrist. I grabbed the way bottom of the knife and sliced up and down.

About two minutes later I was finally able to rip it and I let my hand free and I ripped the duct tape off of my other hand and then my duct taped feet. I quickly got out of my chair and brushed off my dirty arms and grabbed the knife.

I ran up the stairs and put my ear at the door that was closed. I heard absolutely nothing. I placed my hand on the knob and raised my knife. I took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. I looked through the small opening of the door I opened.  I saw at first, nothing then I looked around and saw (Y.N) laying down on that cardboard mat Sebastian had. (Y.N) had a big bruise on her face and I crouched and ran to her. She was passed out and I shook her lightly then turned her on her back.

"(Y.N)." I rubbed her forehead. "Come on wake up." "I've got you now." She batted her eyelids and finally opened her eyes. "Sangwoo?" She rested herself on one arm and blinked a few times and she saw me and her eyes widened. "Sangwoo!" She said and started crying. She jumped up  and hugged and I hugged her back. I sobbed into her shoulder and she sobbed into mine. "I've missed you so much Sangwoo." She said and she cupped my face. "Where did you get this cut from?" "Did he do it to you?" She asked, her voice getting more sinister. "No, when I was getting out of the chair I grazed my face trying to get the knife." I looked down and saw blood everywhere and I looked at (Y.N)'s arms and I grabbed them. "(Y.N)....did he?" She nodded. I wanted to scream out. I was so mad at Sebastian. How dare he do this to her. My insane thoughts of what I would do to Sebastian were stopped when (Y.N) grabbed my shaking hand and nuzzled it with her nose.

"I'm fine." "How is your foot?" She asked. I was so worried about finding (Y.N) I completely forgot about my bleeding, stabbed foot. I pulled off my shoe and looked at my blood soaked sock. I pulled off the sock and me and (Y.N) stared at my foot. I saw the blood slowly come out from the hole in my foot. I rubbed it lightly with my finger and I winced. (Y.N) grabbed my hand and shook her head. "Don't touch it." "Give me that knife." She said with her eyes widened looking at the knife. I handed it to her and she aimed it at her torso. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "What are you doing?" I asked as I reached for the knife. "No, I'm just cutting a little of my shirt." She said as she ripped a relatively large amount of her shirt at the bottom. "(Y.N), you need it more than me." I said. She shook her head and picked up my foot and put it on her lap. "I'm fine." She said as she wrapped the shirt scrap around my foot. "And plus, you need to stop the bleeding."  She said. "But (Y.N), look at yourself!" She shook her head again. "I'm fine, really, believe that Sangwoo."  She finished and put my sock and shoe on. "(Y.N), did he..?" I asked, looking deep in her eyes. She cupped my face. "No Sangwoo, I would let no one ever touch my body." "Except you." I started crying in her hands that still were cupping my face. (Y.N) stood up and held out her hand. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up. As she was pulling me up, I heard her wince in pain. I pulled her to me and nuzzled my nose in her (H.C) hair. "It still hurts (Y.N), don't strain yourself." I whispered to her. She nodded. I let go and bent over to get the knife on the floor. I stood back up and looked at (Y.N), she smiled at me lightly and I smiled back. 

We stood there for a minute and we heard a door opening and we turned quickly and saw Sebastian slowly walking in through the front door. I pulled (Y.N) behind me and Sebastian spotted us. Sebastian had a axe in his hand and he gave me a sinister smile while furrowing his eyebrows. " took advantage of my escape?!" He held up his axe and looked at it then back at me.

"Well....I was are your father's son." He said as he ran towards me, axe held high.

Sangwoo x Reader: My Forsaken AssumptionsWhere stories live. Discover now