Chapter 14

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Hey Guys! Any title suggestions for the book? Sangwoo x Reader is kinda plain

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Hey Guys! Any title suggestions for the book? Sangwoo x Reader is kinda plain.....Thxs! I'm also changing the cover once title is decided. Post in comments of ideas and I'll make a poll. Pls ENJOY this chapter! (:

Reader POV:

I walked upstairs and waited with my arms crossed near the door. I tapped my foot and sighed. "Why the fuck do men take so long to piss?" I muttered to myself. I scoffed and was about to walk downstairs, but I heard a lock click and I stopped with my hand shaking on the knob. I heard scuffling and immediately attempted to open the door. 

I turned it, didn't open. I turned it again, didn't open. I started pulling the knob and frantically panicking. "SANGWOO!" I yelled as I pulled the knob. I heard grunting and something fell. I cried onto the knob and slammed into the door with my shoulder. I grunted and tried to open the door. "SANGWOO!" I yelled again. The weak door broke and I almost fell down the stairs. I regained balance on  my feet and saw a pair of feet that look like Sangwoo's. The rest of whoever's body was blocked put by the wall. I saw the feet being pulled away and I ran down the rest of the stairs and saw Sangwoo passed out and Sebastian held a knife above Sangwoo's fingers and I felt myself slowing changing. I balled my fists and ran to Sebastian. 

"YOU CUNT!" I yelled as I pushed Sebastian on his back and I sat on top of him and I punched him uncontrollably. He spit blood out at each punch and I had an angered look on my face and my hand started burning. But I wouldn't stop, I won't stop. I gritted my teeth and kept punching him. He finally fell unconscious and I walked over to Sangwoo and stood above him. The blood from my hand fell on his shirt and trailed down to his neck and I sighed and squatted down and shook him. 

He wouldn't wake up and I gave up and decided to give him time to wake up. I picked up the knife and decided it was better to kill Sebastian now and leave with Sangwoo. 

I heard a groan and turned and saw Sangwoo slowly waking up. I turned and pushed Sangwoo up so he was sitting up. "Sangwoo? What happened?" I asked quietly and placed my hand on his shoulder. "(Y.N)?" He asked with his eyes groggily opening. I smiled and he hugged me and became alert. 

He whispered into my shoulder. "Thank god you're okay."

I hugged him back and he let go and gave me one last look and then he looked up and his jaw dropped. 

"(Y.N), MOVE!" Sangwoo yelled as he jumped on top of me and I gasped and looked and saw Sangwoo with his eyes closed. I lifted my neck up and saw Sebastian above Sangwoo. Sangwoo's shirt was soaked. I realized it was blood. Sebastian stood above him and pulled something out of his back. It was the knife. 

"Wooh!" "You gonna have and pray that doesn't paralyze him!" Sebastian yelled looking at the knife.  I finally had enough. He is dead.

I pushed Sangwoo off of me and Sebastian moved out of the way and he kept the knife in his hand. I ran towards him and he lunged the knife to my face. I dodged but was a little too late, the knife grazed my face.  I pushed him and the knife flew. I ran and he tripped me. I winced as he pulled my legs to bring me over to him. I turned onto my back and kicked him in the face. 

He let me go and I ran to the knife, I grabbed it and stood up. I ran to him and lodged the knife into his torso and pulled it out and stabbed him again.....

And again....



He fell to the ground, but he had one last thing to say. "My mother didn't raise a fool, because I am her son, I'm creative ." He croaked. To finish him off, I stabbed him in the throat repeatedly. I smiled and watched the blood flow everywhere. It soaked my hands, my clothes, and Sangwoo. I stood above him. "Shut up, you're a psycho, I'm creative." I said menacingly. I dropped the knife and lazily walked over to Sangwoo and held his back. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned him on his back and put my heart to his chest and he was still breathing.  

I hugged him and cried into his chest.

"We're almost free Sangwoo."  

Sangwoo x Reader: My Forsaken AssumptionsWhere stories live. Discover now