Chapter 20

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Sangwoo POV:

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Sangwoo POV:

I quickly opened my eyes and I looked around and my body shot up.  I was in a bed. Hospital bed. I was breathing quickly but then I calmed myself down because I knew it was safe. I had a slight pain ring throughout my whole back and I winced and laid back down.

A couple of minutes later, the light came on and I strained my eyes because I wasn't used to the light. A relatively tall doctor walked in. He seemed very calm and smiled at the sight of me being awake. 

"(Y.N) will be very happy to see you're awake." He said as he checked his chart and looked at all the machines I was attached to. 

"(Y.N)!" I exclaimed, "She's okay?!" I knew she was alive I just didn't know if she was okay or if she came back with the police. 

"She's okay, she actually came to visit you earlier. You were passed out but she rushed back here as soon as she heard you were flat lining."  

"Flat lining?" I asked and looked at my heartbeat monitor, I couldn't believe I was so close to dying, after all me and (Y.N) been through. 

"Yup, you had us all scared but honestly, it's a miracle you even survived." He said as he fixed the machine wires and little and put a hand on the railing of my bed and looked straight at me. "You just barely missed death and I applaud you for holding on, your girlfriend I'm assuming that she is, is downstairs with my wife and she's perfectly fine. We did have to bring you up here though when you started flat lining but you're in good condition now but we will have to keep you here a little and monitor your progression because you may not be paralyzed now but it could happen if you injure yourself again to this extent because your back has been weakened if that makes sense to you." He said and I sighed in relief and worry at the same time. 

"Can you bring her here?" I asked, I just needed to see her again. 

"I'll go to her room to see if she's awake, how's that sound?" He asked with a gentle smile and I smiled back. 

"That sounds great, thank you for everything sir, I really am glad we got out of there." I said while looking at him and he sighed and looked down at my injured form and then back at me.

"I am too, it's a shame what happened to you two, so young but I'm very surprised at how hard you fought for your lives." He said and took his hand off the railing. 

"Yup, I only did it for her." I said and looked at my figure and he put his hand on my wrist and gripped it tight and looked straight in my eyes. He didn't even need to speak I knew he was telling me he was proud and that he respects me. He then let go to get (Y.N). 

A couple minutes later (Y.N) came running in and she stopped at my bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she held my hand.

"A lot better, how are you feeling? I missed you." I said and she smiled and showed me her bandages. I'm ashamed I couldn't protect her from the cuts. I'm just glad that's all he did. I would've rather have him hurt more than he did then even lay a hand on her. 

"I kinda forgot they were there, I have to sleep on my back though because if I lay on my arms I'll get numbing pain throughout my whole body. Otherwise, I'm okay." She said and I smiled at her. 

"That's good." I said. 

"The police wanted to question you by the way. Pretty simple questions." She said and I nodded. 

We just stayed there looking at each other and then a police officer walked in.

"Is he okay to question doctor?" The officer asked.

The doctor looked at me and I replied, "In a little bit sir, I'd like to be with her for a little bit." I said and he smiled and nodded and walked out.

(Y.N) put her forehead to mine and she whispered to me.

"We made it Sangwoo."

"I know baby." I whispered back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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