Chapter 2

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It was the end of the day. Me and Zoe get along. When I went here I never got into it with anyone. Now that me and Zoe are close people started looking at me weird. Zoe told me to not worry about them. Anyways it's time to go and I was about to walk home. Usually I ride with Mony but she was going somewhere with Devin and I didn't wanna be the third wheel. So I was walking down the street.

"Best Friend!!! Where you going!!?" Zoe said

"Home." I turned  around and looked at him

"You walking?" He asked

I nodded my head and turned to start walking again.

"Karina bring yo ass to this car."

I was so embarrassed and I just shook my head no. I didn't hear nothing so I kept walking. Then I heard a car pull up next to me. It was Zoe.

"Come on Karina. I'm not gone ask again."

I smiled and walked to the car. I got in and he drove off.

We ended up at the mall and I really didn't wanna be here.

"What's wrong?" Zoe said

"I don't have money." I said

"Okk well I do so whatever I got my best friend got."He said

We both got out the car and walked to the entrance. When we got in there he walked to footlocker and I just followed. I didn't wanna ask for nothing because then I'll seem more broke than I already am. 

"Which ones you want?" He asked

I was nervous. I didn't wanna ask for some that were to expensive.

"Well what size you wear?" He asked

"7 in girl, 5 in boys." I said avoiding eye contact  

"Ok look you don't have to be shy around me. I don't care about the money you have. So quit being shy. You too pretty for that." He said

I nodded.

He walked and bought me almost every shoe in here. I was so amazed.

"I'll pay you back. I promise."

"No need. I told you I gotchu."

He was being to nice. This was just crazy. We went to rue21 and got some clothes and then I remembered I had to go pick up Neveah.

"Um I appreciate this but I have to go get my little sister." I said

I didn't want him to think I was being a golddigger.

"Cool I'll take you." He grabbed some of my stuff and we walked to his car

I told him the direction to my sisters school and when we arrived Neveah was sitting on the curb by her teacher. I got out and ran to her.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I grabbed Neveah's bag and tried to walk off

"This the 3rd time you were late. Home authorities will be called next time." The teacher said

"Yes ma'am it won't happen again." I said

"Are we walking today?" Veah asked


"No. Get in." Zoe said

I was just going to walk but then Neveah ran to the car and hopped in.

I followed and got in. I really didn't want him to see how lived. Neveah don't understand how embarrassing this is.

"What's your name?" Zoe asked Neveah

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