Chapter 8

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So I woke up to somebody knocking on the door so I ran and opened it. It was my boss with Neveah.

"Girl sorry I'm early but I have a long trip to take my kids to their dads. And the daycare is closed today so come in next Monday." My boss said

Neveah was sleep so I grabbed her.

"Thanks boss. Drive safe." I said

My boss left. Since Neveah was still sleep I told her in my room and laid her next to Zoe. They looked so cute. I went downstairs to cook. After I brushed my teeth of course. I cooked French toast, eggs and sausage. Neveah came downstairs with toothpaste on the side of her mouth so I'm assuming Zoe is up and helped her brush her teeth. I fixed her a a plate and sat her in a chair. She ate silently. Then Zoe came downstairs and gave me a kiss. He sat down and I made him a plate. And he sat down. We ate.

"What you have planned today?" Zoe asked

"I'm taking me and Neveah and I'm getting me a phone and I don't know after that." I said

"I can buy you one." He said

"I'll buy my own." I said getting up and washing me and Neveahs plates out. I walked to grab Neveah so we could get dressed. Today was a chill day but at soon as I got to Neveah's room I got lightheaded. My legs got really weak and I fell.


I was still downstairs when I heard a loud bang. Then Neveah came downstairs running.

"Daddy!!  Mama fell and she not moving." I hopped and Neveah ran to show me where Karina was

She was at the top of the stairs laid out. Her eyes were closed and she wasn't moving. I grabbed her and Neveah in the same movement and ran to my car. When I got in I sped to the hospital. I didn't know what was going on. I hope nothing to severe.

"Help my girlfriend passed out and I don't know why!!!" I yelled

Some doctors came and put Karina on a gurney. This has to stop. This is the second time Karina has been to the hospital. Man somethings gotta give. I have to call Devin.

-Phone Convo-

Devin- Wassup nigga? 

Me- Come to the hospital. Karina passed out

Devin- Damn ok

I hung up.

Neveah went to a play area so I sat where the parents sat. A girl that looked my age went and different sat by me and I wasnt in the mood.

"Hey." She said touching my arm

I pushed her crusty sandpaper ass hands off of me.

"Don't be so tense." She scooted closer to me

"Man,  you a fucking hoe. You really tryna get a man in a place like this. I'm not single and I don't want your crusty dusty stank ass." I said

She got mad and stormed off.  Then Mony came in. She looked mad.

"Mony do you know what could cause this?" I asked

"When we were younger she used to just pass out. It has to do with heat and high blood pressure. She'll be okay. Just make sure she didn't fall on anything and bumped her head." She said

"If it's so simple why do you look mad?" I asked

"Because that bitch keep looking at me." She said and she was talking about the girl that was tryna get with me

"Oh she a hoe. She was touching on my arms and shit." I said

"She lucky Neveah here or I would beat her muhfuckin ass." She said staring at the hoe

Then the doctor came in.

"Karina Dale?"  The doctor said

Devin was the first to stand. He gives Karina a hard time but I know that she grew on him and she's like his sister.

"Is she okay?" Devin asked

"Yes she's fine she needs to rest and be in a good temperatured room. We don't want her to pass out and have her drink plenty of water and eat very healthy. This is also a symptom of her ovaries being active. Meaning if she is sexually active she will easily get pregnant if she doesnt use protection." The doctor said

I smiled at the last thing that was said. Not saying she having my kids anytime soon but I like the thought of her being pregnant by me in the future.

"Can we see her and when can she leave?" Devin asked

"Yes and today actually."  The doctor walked off and we all followed

When we went to the room Karina was in she was laying in bed staring at nothing. Neveah ran and hugged Karina. They had a little conversation but then Neveah asleep on Karina's stomach. Mony went to hug Karina and she handed her some hot Cheetos and a pineapple fanta.

"You remembered!" Karina said

"Well I have to work and Devin was my ride so we have to go." Mony said

Devin went over and hugged Karina tight. He whispered something but I couldn't hear. All I know is Karina was smiling hella big.

They left and I went over and kissed Karina.

"You scared me." I said

She laughed.

"I scared myself." She said

We just laughed and talked until the doctor came and gave me discharge papers. I grabbed Neveah since she was still sleep and Karina just walked. We made it to my car and we went home. Karina wanted to change so she did.

She had on a sports bra and some biker shorts

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She had on a sports bra and some biker shorts.  She looked so beautiful. I hope she knows that she gone be on lock down around me.

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