Chapter 7

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So I noticed me and Mony was matching and she did to so she slapped my butt. I was trying to pull the shorts down.

"Let's go down stairs." I said laughing

We walked down then and Zoe had changed into something basketball shorts and a wife beater. Devin had on the same thing but his shorts were different colors. Zoe was staring me down so I took a quick seat. He was still looking.

"Uhh can my best friend have her body back." Mony yelled

"Yeah quit eye fucking my best friend." Devin said

I laughed.

"My bad ghe." Zoe said laughing

"Anyways what we about to do?" I asked

"Let go to Walmart!!" Devin said

"We already have food." I said

"Let's just go, it's gone be funny. I promise." Devin laughed

I already had socks on so I put some slides on. I guess me and Mony were going in the clothes we had on. Anyways we all hopped in. Boys in the front girls in the back. Zoe was driving. I swear he drives so slow. He just be cruising like he ain't got a care. It's irritating. Anyways we got there and hopped out. I grabbed a basket and Mony had one. Zoe took mines. He said he wanted to push it for me, so I let him. We walked to the frozen food aisle and I was grabbing some things and put them in me and Zoe's basket. Some guy came up to me and helped me when I dropped some frozen pizza.

"Here you go beautiful." The guy said

"Thanks." I said

"Can I have your number?" He asked

I didn't get a chance to answer.

"Nah nigga get the fuck out my girls face!!" Zoe said

He grabbed me and dragged me down the aisle.

Zoe looked kinda mad then he noticed that the boy was staring at my ass and went charging towards the guy. I didn't even try to stop him because I already know he's to strong. So he was over there beating the shit out of the poor guy. Like he was stomping him in his face and so much more. Then Devin came outta nowhere.

"Why didn't yall stop this?!!!" He asked

"Uh Unh!!! Don't put my best friend in harms way. He coulda knocked her the fuck out and then I woulda had to catch a case." Mony said hugging me

Devin was dragging Zoe out of the store.

I thought that Zoe would be fine so I continued shopping with Mony and paid for our stuff and left.

Zoe and Devin were both leaning on the car. When Zoe saw me he took his shirt off and made me put it on. It went to my knees. Then he and Devin started grabbing the bags and put them in the trunk.

When some boys walked past tryna look at me. Zoe spread out his arms and legs out so nobody could see around him. I was behind him. Then he bucked at them and showed them his gun and they ran off. I hopped in the front seat before Devin could. I rolled the window down because it was hot and Zoe hopped in. We were driving down the street the we stopped at a red light. Some niggas pulled up to my side of the car. One of them leaned out the window.

"Can I get your number ma?" That random said

Zoe just slowly rolled the window up after he pointed the gun and the poor guys face. Then we slowly drove off. I just laughed because he was being so overprotective. When we got home the boys grabbed the bags and Zoe wouldn't talk or look at me. And Devin and Mony were in a room alone and I didn't wanna be the 3rd wheel. So I went in my room as Zoe was ignoring me. I took Zoe's shirt off and laid in bed. Mony came in and sat by me.

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