Chapter 22

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Dons character in the media


Man I know I fucked up. The girl laced my shit. She had too. I wasn't myself.

I know I fucked up. I would never put my hands on Karina. But anyways I left the house and got in my car. I don't know what that girl laced me with but it still got me feeling fucked up. To make matters worse I saw flashing lights. I stopped my car because I already lost my family.


After I got done handling a few things I got a phone call. It was from a state facility.


Me: Hello?

??: Does your name happen to be Karina?

Me: Yes why?

??: Well we have Zoe here who was pulled over for wreck less driving and it seems as if he was intoxicated. As we were draining the substance he has been saying suicidal slurs and we would like for you to come here and have a word with him. He really needs it

Me: I'll be there

Now this pisses me off. I was trying to get away from him now I have to deal with this. I asked Devin to watch my kids for a little longer.

I made it to the state facility and signed myself in. This officer directed me to Zoe.

He gave us some privacy but he stood outside the door watching.

When I saw Zoe I almost broke. I hate to see him so down and hurt. Especially to know I caused it. I walked over and gave him a hug. He held onto me tight.

"Baby I'm so sorry I would never do this to you on purpose baby please forgive me." He sounded like he wanted to cry but he never let a tear fall.

"I know its ok." I couldn't do this to him

He took me in. Gave me my son. Changed my life for the better. I need him just as much as he needs me.

"You should be in her for about a month. Have good behavior and try to get out early. I'll put money on your books. Ok?" I asked

He nodded.

"Tell Devin the situation. He'll know what to do."

Then I nodded and it was time for me to go. I gave him a kiss and left.

I had a doctors appointment today but I can't go because I have shit to handle.

I needed a new job so I filled some out at Ulta Beauty, a few daycare's, and Victoria Secret. Once I was done I went to Devin's house.

He let me in and out explained what Zoe told me.

"Yeah I'll help him get out but he bet not fuck with me or you when he gets out." Devin said seriously

I nodded my head.

"I think y'all should talk everything out. I mean y'all are friends before y'all know me so I shouldn't come in between that." I said

I was serious though. That have a good friendship so I don't need to ruin it. Devin shook his head no.

"If I make amends with him you gotta promise to stop fucking with him. Get with somebody that won't hurt you. You deserve better." He said

I nodded my head.

"Get with my boy Donnie. He's a good dude." Devin said

"I'll get with somebody else but I'll consider Donnie." I said and Devin gave me a hug

I stood and gathered my kids. Neveah wanted to stay so I let her.

Jr. was about to go the sleep so I went to McDonald's. He woke up when he smelled the food. I gave him his food and he ate in the passenger seat.

We got to the house and I saw Donnie on my porch with a worried look on his face.

"What wrong?" I asks

"Devin told me you were hurt." He said annoyed that Devin played him

"Well in bout just buy come on in." I opened the door and told Jr to get his clothes together so I could run his bath water.

"This is embarrassing." Donnie said laughing

"I know why he did it. Me and him made an agreement so he's making sure I actually attempt to do my part." I explained

He nodded his head.
I heard Jr call from the bathroom so I stood up.

"I'll be back but um... Make yourself comfortable." I said handing him the remote

I walked to the bathroom and Jr was naked trying to put the water on the right temperature. I helped him then he stepped in the shower. I handed him a towel and put soap on it.

"Call me when your done." I said

He screwed his face up and mugged me.

"I'm a man I ain't need help to take a shower." He said

"Then why did you call me in here?" I asked folding my arms laughing

"I just wanted to make sure you knew I was doing my own thing." He said I nodded

I laughed as he concentrated on getting clean.

When I walked to the living room. Donnie was watching football.

It was college football. Auburn and Georgia State were playing.

"Who are you going for?" I asked

"Auburn. Duhhh." He said laughing

"Georgia is whet in from so I have to go for them. Auburn ain't shit." I said joking and laughing

He looked hurt.

"You can't be serious." He said laughing so hard

"Georgia is trash, garbage, boo boo, booty. The list goes on." He said

"Yeah we'll see." I stood rolling my eyes

"Both of the teams are trash. Alabama State is where it's at." Jr said walking in with some basketball shorts on and no shirt

I mugged him and he stared at me like I was annoying or something. Donnie just laughed.


Jr was sleep and the game has ended. Georgia State won. As I knew they would.

"Well it's late. Are y'all Ok?" Donnie said standing

I nodded ed my head and gave him a hug. He left and I locked everything up. I carried Jr to the bathroom and made him pee. Then I took him to my bed.

Don is a good person but yeah shouldnt have to stick around with me and 3 kids. He's only 19. That's too much stress for him. But he is a good person and I promised Devin I would give him a try.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2017 ⏰

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