Chapter 18

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So it's been some months now and Zoe is at practice. Me and Jr we heading out.

Jr has gotten so big

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Jr has gotten so big.

"Are you ready baby?" I asked Jr kissing all over his face and he laughed.

I buckled Jr in his car seat and got in. I wanted to go to Zoe's practice since I haven't been in a while. When I got there Zoe saw me and smiled. I smiled back. I took Jr out of his car seat and sat him in my lap. Me and Jr was cheering Zoe on then the practice was over.

"Hey baby." Zoe came over and kissed me then he grabbed Jr a d was playing with him for a little bit. We started to walk towards the car and Zoe put Jr in his car seat.

Zoe sped home. I don't know why but he did.

"Neveah's coming home tonight." I told Zoe

I missed her ever since Mony has been keeping her.

"That's cool. I missed her around her." Zoe said

He grabbed the car seat and went in the house.

Zoe went to take a shower and I put Jr in some comfortable clothes.

Zoe was kissing his face so I took a picture

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Zoe was kissing his face so I took a picture.

My baby was smiling and shit then I got a call from Mony.

Mony-Hey girl I think we should go out tonight.

Me- No

Mony- Pleaseee I'll buy you dinner

Me- Ok what time? 

Mony- Be ready in a few hours.

We talked a little more then she hung up. Zoe was sleep awhile Jr on his chest so I made sure I knew what I was wearing. I needed to get dressed now because Mony gets impatient.

My stomach hasn't went completely down but I was comfortable enough to where a nude colored crop top, some black tights and some Jordan's

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My stomach hasn't went completely down but I was comfortable enough to where a nude colored crop top, some black tights and some Jordan's.

Zoe and Jr were still sleeping so I wrote a note saying I would be back later then I waited for Mony as I expected Mony came early and then we left.

"So I think we should go to this kickback." Mony said

I didn't have a better plan so I just nodded.


I woke up and saw that Jr was still sleep. I looked around and Karina wasnt here I saw her note. I was confused because she never said she leaving. I trust her though. I heard Jr crying so I went back to the room and then picked him up. He seemed hungry so I fixed him a bottle and fed him. Then I heard somebody at the door. I went and it was Devin and Neveah.

He grabbed Jr from me and walked in.

"Daddy!!" Neveah said

She ran into my arms and I swung her around.

"Wassup baby girl?" I asked

"Me and uncle Devin went to get ice cream." She said

She was saying some other stuff when I sat down. Devin wasn't talking to me I guess he's still mad at me.

"Bro you still mad?" I asked

"Nah I'm good." He said not looking at me

See I ain't no bitch so I won't be begging a nigga to talk to me. I just got up.

"Have you seen Karina?" I asked

"If I did I would tell her to stay away from your ass." Devin said getting up and leaving

Now I was watching my kids alone. They were sleep anyways. I called Karina and she didn't answer. So I just sat and waited.


"Girl you look cute." I told Mony she had changed clothes

" I told Mony she had changed clothes

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Of course she looked better than me. I looked so basic. But oh well. Me and her headed to. The kickback when we got there we went to get drinks. A lot of niggas was trying to get at us but I wasn't having it. I have two kids and a man at home.

"Aye ma, where yo man at?" A random boy asked

"At home with my kids." I said and the boy walked off

It's sad how these boys are so ready to get they dick wet but don't want any responsibility. Anyways I noticed Mony had walked off so I went and sat in a lawn chair outside. There was a pool of people and a there were all drunk.

"This ain't yo scene?" A boy asked I looked over and it was Nick.

"Hey Nick." I said hugging him

"Who you here with?  And I'm sorry about last time."

He was talking about when he was fucking bitches doors down from me. Which was wrong on so many levels.

"It's OK but I'm here with my friend but shes gone off somewhere." I said looking around

He nodded.

"You never used my number." He said touching my thigh

"Oh I'm sorry. I'll start using it." I said

He was biting his lips.

"Well I gotta go." Nick said

I stood to give him a hug and his hands were really close to my ass. I was blushing then he walked off. I felt wrong for  letting another nigga make me blush. But I really can't help it.

Anyways he left and I sat back down. I was dark out and by now I was bored.  I was ready to go but I had to find Mony. She wasnt outside so I looked down the hall in the living room. Then I found her on the couch just chilling.

"I'm ready to go." I said

She didn't protest she just said her goodbyes and we left. After that we got in the car.

"Are you hungry?" Mony asked

"Yes let's get McDonald's." I said

We pulled up to McDonald's. We ordered and this cute boy was the one giving and taking the money. He was flirting with Mony. Then we got to the second window and the ghetto bitch was popping her gum. She literally threw is our food. And before it landed on us Mony grabbed it and threw it at that bitch face.  I was laughing then Mony reached in the window and starts hitting the girl in her face. The girl was crying so I told Mony to stop.

"Try that again and throw in some extra fries."  Mony said

She did as she was told and nicely handed us the food.

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