Chapter 3

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Me. and Neveah got in the car and we waited for Zoe to get here. He was in the house still getting ready.

''Neveah I need you to stop asking for so much Ok?" 

I turned and looked at her and she nodded her head. Zoe come out the house and got in the car. He started the car and we drove off.

We pulled up to Neveah's school and she reached over and gave me and Zoe are hug.

"Have a good day Neveah." I said

"Have a good day." Zoe said after me

"Bye Zoe and Karina." Neveah hopped out the car and met up with her class

We pulled up. Minutes after we made it to our school. I got out and so did Zoe. He walked over and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked in the building and went to the cafeteria. I saw Harmony sitting by herself.

"Hey Mony what you doing?" I walked up and hugged her

"Devin went to get our breakfast so I'm waiting."

I nodded and took a seat.

"Do you want me to get your food?" Zoe said standing up

"No I'm good I'll wait and we can go out to eat for lunch." I said

He nodded and walked off to get his breakfast.

"So when was you gone tell me you and Zoe together?" Mony asked

"Were not." I laughed


Today I plan on going to get more things for Neveah and  Karina. Speaking of Karina she is so fine. She is beautiful to me but I won't say anything. I do like her but I think she already gotta lot on her plate so Im not tryna add to it.

I got my breakfast and made my way to the table we were sitting at. I saw Devin and I said wassup and gave him some dap.  Anyways I sat down and leaned up against Karina who was looking fine today. I think the reason why I like her is because she doesn't really flaunt herself around. She doesn't even  know how beautiful she is. But I do and I want her to know it but we just met.

"So wassup Karina you cheating on me?" Devin looking serious

"No." She said laughing

"But you got niggas all over you so where you tryna go with this?"

"Well I can be on her because she's my best friend." I said putting Karina on my lap

She just looked down and laughed.

"Yeah you can be on her but imma be in he--"

"Can you not!!!?" Mony asked 

"What?" Devin said looking Mony up and down

"Nobody wanna hear that." Mony said

I agree because nobody wanted to hear my best friend talking about my best friend in that way. So I just nodded my head. 

"Girl!! Calm yo ass down!!" Devin said

She just rolled her eyes. I just wrapped my arms around Karina more and she just blushed and that was sexy as hell.

The bell rang and we all stood and walked to our first hour. I had my arm around Karina's shoulder. Then a girl came up to me and I didn't know her.

"Hey uhh, Zolek do you wanna come over today? I need help with some things." I didn't even know the girl and she didn't even look as good as Karina.

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