Chapter 4

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We made it to the school and we were just on time. I thanked the teacher and Neveah and I got in the car.

"How was your day, Neveah?" I asked

"It was good but this boy kept pulling my hair." She said shrugging

"Next time kick him in his balls? Do you know what balls are?" Zoe asked

"Its a part in between a boy's legs that girls don't have." She said looking at me

I taught her that so I nodded my head so she knew she answered right.

"Right and if he pulls your hair tell him I'll be up there to beat his lil ass." Zoe said

"I told him I was gone tell my daddy and he got scared." Neveah said and laughed

I looked at him to see if he noticed Neveah call him her daddy. He just laughed.

"That's right. Next time call me and I'll be up there with the quickness." He said

I laughed and shook my head.

"Karina I'm hungry." Neveah said

"Sit back and be quiet." I said

Zoe looked at me and shook his head.

"Karina my arms are itching." I turned around and seen her arms red

She must be having an allergic reaction.

"What did you eat today?" Zoe asked

"A girl gave me a Reese's."

"We have to go to my house and get her medicine. She's having a allergic reaction. Drive on 11th street there is some green apartments. Drive!" I said

Zoe sped off and I grabbed Neveah and put her on my lap. She kept opening and closing her eyes slowly. She was losing consciousness. We came to a stop and I jumped out. Zoe did too. We ran to my old house and I opened the door. I seen my mama doing drugs and getting fucked by 3 niggas. I didn't have time to care so I went to the bathroom and looked in the medicine cabinet. I found what I needed. I laid Neveah in the hallway and stuck the needle in her. The liquid was going in and the red spots were slowly leaving.

"Aye yo moms is coming." Zoe said

My mama came her hair was crazy and she was half naked.

"Why y'all here? Don't you have a dick to suck?" My mama said

I ignored her because I was embarrassed.

"And I noticed you stole my baby. She don't need to be living with your hoeing ass. So you can go but my baby is staying."

My mama was smoking a blunt and dropped the ashes on my head. I grabbed the medicine and Neveah and tried to walk around her. She just grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

"What the hell?" I said

"I said you not taking her!!" My mama said

"Aye is the little one for me? Or the big one? I'll take both." One of the niggas my mama was fucking said

"Nigga chill." Zoe said pulling a gun out

My mama stuck her blunt on my shoulder and burned me. I screamed.

"Shut the hell up!!!" She yelled

She picked up a flower pot and threw it at me. I ducked and then she kicked me in the back. I fell with Neveah in my arms. My mama just laughed. I got up and tried to walk off again. I didn't wanna hurt my mama because I loved her. She wasn't always like this. When my dad left she started acting crazy. I was yanked out my thoughts when I heard Neveah crying. My mama was pulling Neveah's hair trying to take her from me. I slapped my mamas hand so hard it wasn't even funny. She let go and I rushed out the house .
Zoe was close behind me. I put Neveah in the back seat and started to get in. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder blade. I turned and saw that my mama had shot me. I fell on my back and when Zoe saw me fall he shot my mama in the legs. My eyelids were getting heavy then I was out.


When I saw Karina fallout I didn't know what to do. I shot her mama since she was the one that shot Karina. Then I picked up Karina and put her in my car and drove off. I went to the hospital and I carried Karina and Neveah. I don't know where I got the strength to so that but I did.

"I need a doctor. My girlfriend got shot and my daughter had a allergic reaction." I said

"Right this way. We have a double!!"

Two doctors came and ran off with the girls on gurneys. Then Devin called me.

**Phone convo**

Me: Man wassup?

Devin: Where you at me and Mony at your house ?

Me: I'm at the hospital. Meet me up here

Devin: For what nigga?

Me: Karina got shot and Neveah had a allergic reaction

Devin: Who is Neveah?

Me: Quit asking questions and get up here!!!

Devin: Man you didn't have to yell

I hung up. I sat with my head in my hands.

"Where is she!!!!?" I looked up and saw Mony yelling

"Mony come here." I said

She walked over and sat down.

"What happened?? Did you do this??" She asked

"Hell No!!! I care to much to do some shit like that. Neveah was at school and her friend gave her a Reese's and I think she's allergic to peanuts and she had a allergic reaction. So we went to Karina's house to get the medicine. When we got there her mama was acting crazy and shot Karina." I said

Mony was crying and Devin was holding her.

"Family of Karina Dale?" The doctor said

We all stood.

"Is she ok?" We all said

"Well Neveah is just fine and Karina is lucky. She almost got shot in a important artery." The doctor said

"Can we see them?" Devin said

The doctor nodded and we followed him. When we got to the room Neveah was watching cartoons and Karina was just sitting there.

"Now be careful. She is in pain and we don't want her stitches to tear. So go easy." The doctor said and left

Mony was the first to wake over and hug Karina softly. We all followed in her pursuit.

"So this is Neveah?" Devin said as Neveah was hugging him

"Yeah that my daughter." I said

"Since when you have a daughter?" Devin said smacking his lips

"Since some days ago. Meet your niece." I said

"Yeah that's my sister." Karina said

"Yeah that's my daddy and that's my mama." Neveah said pointing at me and Karina

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