Chapter​ 20

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After we arrived Mony and Zoe walked. Zoe was mad and Mony was about to go get is drinks. Me and Devin found a place to sit.

"What's wrong with Zoe?" I asked
"I don't he acting like a little bitch." Devin said

I just nodded then Mony came back. She handed me a Sprite since I can't drink.

"C'mon Devin let's dance!" Mony said

Devin got up and walked away. I was alone on my phone then I heard everyone cheering and I looked up. It was a crowd so I got up to go see what all the commotion was about.  I finally squeeze through to see Zoe making out and basically fingering this girl. I would fight but I'm pregnant. Then I saw Devin go over and sock the shit outta Zoe. Devin saw me about to cry then came over to me.

"That's my girl!! So get away from her." Zoe yelled

"No.. No I'm not. Goodbye Zoe."

I walked out and Mony was drinking so Devin grabbed her and we all went to the car. I say in the back and cried. I thought we were good but now we are falling apart and I don't know why. We were ok then today he was acting different and I don't know what I did wrong. I'm just going leave. I can't stay there. I'll get my kids and I'll be gone. I have money saved up from all the times Zoe gave me money and I didn't know what to do with it. Now I know.

"Take me to get my kids please." I told Devin since he was driving

Devin nodded and went to get my kids. When we arrived I was going to get out the car buy Devin said he would go get them. When he came back with my kids I wiped my face so they wouldn't see me cry.

"Mommy!!" Jr said

"Hey babies." I said smiling

"Mama Miss. Jackie took us trick or treating some more and we got a lot of candy." They showed me there bags and they did have a lot of candy

"Ok sit back now. I'll check your bags when we get home." I said

They nodded and did what I asked them to. They carried on with a little conversation. When we arrived to Zoe's house I noticed that Zoe wouldn't have a ride home since we took his car but I don't care.

Devin and Mony helped me take the kids in the house while I started packing. I didn't know where I would go but I won't stay here and be humiliated and disrespected. I packed all of our clothes in my car and everything else we would need like food or hygiene stuff. I then sat down and got in my phone to look for apartments.

"Karina do you want us to stay?" Mony asked

"No you guys did enough. Thank you." I said hugging them and walking them to the door

After they left I went and checked on my kids and they were both sleeping I'm me and Zoe's bed. Well his now because I found a nice affordable apartment. It's a 3 bedroom and 1 bathroom. It's just enough for me and my kids. I don't want to wake them up but I don't want to be here when Zoe gets back. He'll be drink and will try to stop me. I woke them up and since I'm pregnant I can't carry them so they walked. I answered it to the car and leis them down I'm the seat. I got in and then someone scared the shit outta me by banging my window. I hurried and locked the doors. It was a drunk Zoe.

"Baby I'm sorry!" Zoe said he wasn't crying but it sounded like he was about to

I just started the car but he started banging on my window even more so I sped off before he could wake my kids. I dont have time. I get to do talk to the landlord tomorrow so tonight I'm spending it in my car with my kids. I can't believe this is how I'm living but everything happens for a reason.

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